Blood on stool and colonoscopy results - Colon Cancer Conn...

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Blood on stool and colonoscopy results

Jollyjoey profile image
4 Replies

Dear Reader, I have been lurking on this site for 2 months now. It’s frustrating to see people that have the same symptoms as me but never post and tell what happened to them in the end. This is my journey from start to finish.

3 months ago I had stomach issues. I though I had a touch of food poisoning. After 3 days of having stomach issues I took pepto Bismal. The pepto turned my stool black. This was very concerning my anxiety was through the roof. After researching I found out pepto will do that. So after checking my stool for days it started to change back to normal. Well I came home from work and thought let me push out a bowel movement if it’s good I can relax and rest well. So I sat on the toilet and pushed hard to have a bowel movement. When I did I noticed my stool was normal brown however there was bright red blood on the outside of my stool. The next morning I continued to have bright red blood so I went to the doctor. We talked and he sent me to a GI doctor for a colonoscopy but he thought it was hemorrhoids. Since I had a history of them. I’m 46 now but had a colonoscopy at 33 for hemorrhoids and everything was clear at 33. The bleeding stopped for about 6 weeks after I started using fiber and ointments. I thought I was ok but would still get the colonoscopy just to be sure. After 6 weeks the bleeding resurfaced. Maybe 1-2 times a week. It was very concerning and my anxiety was through the roof. My bleeding would be on the outside of the stool and would be a bright red or maroon. It was a small amount of blood. I was totally convinced I had a hemorrhoid, or fissure or some kind of UC and maybe Colon cancer. I’m a single father of two teenagers and my wife died last year from breast cancer so I was so scared I had terminal colon cancer. During this time I had bleeding a dull pain in my tailbone a very itchy and burning rectum All signs pointing to hemorrhoids or a fissure

So today I went in for my colonoscopy. I met with the Dr and he said why are you here again? I told him my story and he said sounds like hemorrhoids but we’ll find out. I go back and the next thing I remember I woke up to the Dr telling me everything is done. He stated that I had a moderate size polyp in my lower colon just above the rectum and he removed it. Everything else looked good. He said no hemorrhoids or inflammation. I asked him what was causing the bleeding? He said the polyp was the cause of the bleeding. He saw that the polyp was bleeding and removed it. He told me he was very confident that it was NOT cancer AND I was lucky. Most polyp’s do not bleed but I was lucky mine did. If I would have waited till I was 50 there would of been a good chance it could of became cancerous by then. So by the Grace of God my bleeding was a blessing. Without it I would of never went to get checked. One thing I’ve learned is always always always seek medical attention for any kind of bleeding. The majority of the time it is not cancer and something else. I hate doctors and test but boy am I glad I went through all this.

In closing, always go and get checked for any type of bleeding and make sure you push for a colonoscopy at the age of 45. I’m proof that the 45 age is the correct age.

For anyone reading this thank you for your time and hope that you get some comfort from my story.

God Bless!

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Jollyjoey profile image
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4 Replies
sandylo profile image

I had bleeding when i wiped bright red i went to the gp who sent me for a lower abdomen ct scan it came back diverticula pockets as the blood was still there i was sent for a colonoscopy with light sedation fentanyl i had 5 polyps removed 9 biopsies taken and 5mm of a 25mm sessile flat polyp, it had to be abirted as i couldnt take anymore the pain was barbaric to say the least. I was recalled 6 weeks later to have another done under propofol which put me to sleep (brilliant) they took the rest of it 20mm away with emr and another all polyp. That was 3 weeks ago not had the results yet. The results from the first one was IBD, diverticulitis, proctitus and mucosa, i had had constipation for a while before all this so within 3 months all this had happened. Just hoping the awaiting results are the same they did say the top of the colon had narrowed. Hope youre ok now. I still have slight blood if my stool is firm so have a probiitic to help it ..

Jollyjoey profile image
Jollyjoey in reply to sandylo

Thank you and I hope that your life can get back to normal now that you have had all these test. I will continue to take fiber powder as I hear that it helps in preventing polyps. Best of luck to you.

God Bless!

Mondlee profile image

So after your colonoscopy, removal of the polyp, your bleeding stop immediately??

Jollyjoey profile image
Jollyjoey in reply to Mondlee

Yes. So far my bleeding seems to have stopped. I’ve also noticed that my bowel movements and stool have went back to normal. Like they were before the bleeding 3 months ago. I really think that stress played a role in my gut health and now that I have had the colonoscopy I’m not worried about my stool or the blood.

Best of luck and thank you for reading my post.

God Bless!

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