My now 38 year old son was diagnosed with bowel / colon cancer last year. He had Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy then had an operation to remove all his colon and now has a permanent stoma. He had quite a few infections but seems to be stronger and fitter now. But he had an MRI then blood tests and was told he was cancer free but then he had a CT scan a couple of months ago and only received the results today. They have found a spot in his Liver and is now having an MRI in just over a weeks time. I’m terrified this is connected to the bowel cancer as it had spread to some lymph nodes. Obviously I’m no expert and he has been suffering badly with depression lately so this news will be affecting him a lot. I don’t no what to say or do as I’ve read that you can get secondary cancer after bowel cancer but he had all this removed. Can anyone advise me as I’m worried sick about him because if it is cancer again I’m scared I will lose him. Thanks for reading my post I’m just a very worried mum .
Bowel cancer now spot in liver - Colon Cancer Conn...
Bowel cancer now spot in liver

I have the same problem. But my doctor told me that it can be an heamangyom. I hope it is And i hope the same for you😍
I had an MRI that showed up a spot on my liver, it was a birthmark, a haemangioma, a group of blood vessels. I was told it was nothing to worry about and is quite common. Hope this is the same for your son.
I had bowel cancer last year and had to have my liver checked as they had seen something. Thankfully, it was just cysts, hoping the same for your son and it is nothing to worry about 🤗
Hey Mandie4711,
First as a colon cancer survivor myself I would like to thank you for being a caregiver to your son. I know that was not an easy thing to do and I want you to know how much we as patients appreciate when our loved ones help us through our cancer journey.
Second, I hate to say this, but I am abslutely dumfounded as to why your son was given a CT scan, only to have the resuts read to him months later?!?!? Months is so very dangerous when we are talkng about a spot on a cancer survivor's liver. Please keep me informed as to what his new scans say.
As for your son's depression, as bad as it is seeing hiim in that state, it is quite common for cancer survivor's especially young ones. We often suffer from PTSD and trying to make sense of what we survived. We are also dealing with the physical changes and scars.ur new normal takes a while to get used to.
If your son is ever interested in meeting other young bowel/colon cancer survivors I can point him in the right direction.
Hi Vanessa,Thanks for your lovely reply. My son had an MRI yesterday and is now waiting for the results. I spoke to him yesterday and he said he hopes he hears very soon just depends on when they look at his scan but he’s resigned himself to it being cancer. I’ve tried to reassure him that it may just be a cyst etc but he says he will fight and deal with whatever it is. Waiting for the results is hard especially for him. I will let you no when we hear anything just praying it’s good news for a change.
Hi Mandie, I’ve just joined on here.How are you and your son now as can see was a few months ago?
I hope all is well x
Hi ,My son is doing really well now thankfully. He has been given the all clear which is great news. He does suffer sometimes with blockage and pain from his Stoma but seems to manage it ok. It’s been a long, hard recovery for him as kept getting infections but I can see he is now healthier and getting on with life. I’m ok been a very stressful time which has affected me mentally but I’m going to get help with this. I guess it’s my Son’s cancer, I broke my hip and now unable to do very much as disabled already but hip never regained fully flexibility but we are both strong and we live our lives the best we can x