hey guys. I’ve had a pain in my left hand flank for about 5 months now that doesn’t seem to go away and also reverts to my stomach also on the left and also recently into my bum. I have lots of gas which feels weird to push out and also have had different bowl movements with the end of the stool sometimes going thinner. I have had two FIT test which are both negative and I have had two blood test all being fine and also have had an ultra sound which kidneys were fine but a little bit of a fatty liver. I’m booked in for a CT scan this Friday but I’m worried about colon cancer and bowel but my doctor isn’t as they feel they have done the check and say the FIT test is a good indicator. Is a CT scan good to check the abdomen and Colon for cancer ? I am very anxious and so scared I have it ? Thanks Matt
pain in stomach and side : hey guys. I... - Colon Cancer Conn...
pain in stomach and side

Hi Meandyou123,
Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. You bring up some pretty good questions. I have asked these questions as well. I am a stage 4 colon cancer survivor with lynch syndrome which means there is a high likelihood that cancer will try to return. I am currently NED (No Evidence of Disease). I am on a surveillance routine that will hopefully catch anything reoccurring early. I get an annual colonoscopy, an annual CT scan, annual blood work and an endoscopy every 3 years.
That being said, the colonoscopy can see things in greater detail in the GI tract than the CT is able to do. The CT can see things like spread or tumor metastasis that would not be determined with the colonoscopy. The endoscopy is good for the upper GI and stomach issues. Believe me I would rather just get a CT scan and be done with it. But my doctors say it can’t see polyps or things still in the colon wall like the colonoscopy can.
So, the CT in your case may be a good first indicator to ID the area or pain. I had a CT as well first to identify what may be my cause of pain. It was immediately followed up with a colonoscopy. That was me. Not you. Having the CT is beneficial for what it can determine. But it also could be followed up with a colonoscopy.
The FIT is a good indicator as it is saying there is no blood in the stool and there are no dead cancer cells being discarded. Ask if your DNA was checked with that FIT test. If not, then they were not looking for dead cancer cells. And, you are young. That is a great thing to have going for you. But never accept a diagnosis based on your age. Always deal with the symptoms. Never accept it couldn’t something just because you are young.
Another thing to think about is if your family has a history of certain medical issues? Anything hereditary going on. That is good information for you doctor to know as well. It could lead to further testing as well.
I do wish you the best in finding out what’s going on. It could be a lot of things given you symptoms. You are on the right track to get answers. I am proud of you that you are not ignoring things. And please let us know what you find out. It is that type of information that can be helpful to others on this site as well.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Thanks so much for coming back to me.
I just hate the thought of having a camera up there I’m a very anxious person and this will make me very restless and I don’t want to damage anything.
Would a CT scan of the abdomen and the Pelvis show any colon or bowel cancer do you know ?
The CT scan has its benefits for a lot of things. It all depends what you're looking for. It will show things that are abnormal but it will not pick up everything. Small polyps and things in the GI tract lining will probably not show up. If there is a mass it would see that. It's a good procedure to look for the abnormal but I can't see down too many minute details.
Even if the CT scan showed something, you would probably need to get a biopsy of it to determine if it's cancerous. Sometimes doctors can determine that but they would always need a biopsy and the histology to tell you exactly what's going on. And like Tony said, the colonoscopy is the gold standard. It is the most detailed test you can take of the GI track if you have things are occurring inside there. It also has the ability to take a biopsy on the fly. So not only do you get a good diagnosis but you also get histology to back up what's going on.
If you're abdominal pain is determined by the CT scan to not involve the colon, hopefully it can diagnose what's going on. In that situation you may or may not need a biopsy of an area.
Next time you meet with your doctor, ask him that exact question. It's a good question. I asked it. I actually look forward the colonoscopy as I see it as the most restful experience when you go under anesthesia. However, I would rather not have to get an annual colonoscopy. The prep and someone has to take time out of their day to go with you. I would rather just do the CT scan. But I was told it would not pick up things in the colon wall that are developing or small polyps and if there were small polyps, I'd need to get a colonoscopy to get a biopsy of it anyway. So, I get both because they both have their benefits and used together they can provide a lot of answers.
Ive had colonoscopy, virtual CT colonoscopy and abdominal CT scan. All three picked up different conditions with me. The virtual CT is good im told to visualise inside and outside bowel but it missed my diverticulitis disease. The gold standard test is the colonoscopy which can also take biopsies. The FIT test is a marker for blood.
my colonoscopy was the easiest medical procedure I’ve ever had. It gives so much piece of mind for the very smallest inconvenience. The benefits outweighs the fear I can assure you