These blood tests were taken at the hospital 3 weeks ago .can anyone please interpret them for me,Haemoglobin 125 platelets 245 white cell count 86 lymphocytes 77
Monocytes 3.5 . Thank you
These blood tests were taken at the hospital 3 weeks ago .can anyone please interpret them for me,Haemoglobin 125 platelets 245 white cell count 86 lymphocytes 77
Monocytes 3.5 . Thank you
It not easy to make comparisons using this format pet-lamb but there doesn’t appear to be massive differences from your last blood count and they seem indicative of typical CLL. The monocyte level is very high however. Have you been fighting an infection perhaps?
I always seem to have a mild infection runny nose mainly just not feeling great. But I was I’ll in October for 3 weeks then in the space of about 2-3 weeks I had a second shingles vaccine a flue vaccine and a cobvid vaccine . The first shingles vaccine had been 6 weeks before the 2nd one .
Am I at all anemic ? I’m told I’m not by drs but internet seems to say I am! Confused .
If your haemoglobin is 125 then no you’re not classed as being anaemic. A Hb below 120 g/L is slightly depleted in an adult woman in the U.K. and many of us function at levels much lower.
Did you ask you doctor about your immunoglobulin levels? That could be contributing to frequent infections but the number of vaccinations could have had an impact on your immune system.
Your levels seem ok overall but of course this is just a snapshot and how you’re feeling also matters.
Thank you ,yet I asked her to do it at the hospital .but I've not seen her since and she's not given any explanation for it in her letter To me but says she wants to see me in 3 months .
Mention it when you next see her pet-lamb. Results for immunoglobulins are not on the routine full blood count sheet so they may have been done but not yet discussed.
Remember not everything is CLL related if you have other conditions.