Newly diagnosed 50 year old male from Connecticut with CLL. Awaiting the results of the FISH test. Just wanted to thank everyone for the knowledge here as I have been reading and reading non stop. I am sure I will be asking many questions as I move forward but right now trying to learn everything I can.
Hello from CT : Newly diagnosed 50 year old... - CLL Support
Hello from CT

Hi controlsct,
If you haven't found them already, be certain to read the "Pinned Posts" on this page, especially starting with this one: has lots of links imbedded that will take several days just to digest.
Then read through the remaining Pinned Posts (hint there are nearly 100 pinned posts, so browse through the "See all" to find other titles of interest.
I'm a 52 year old from Connecticut was diagnosed four years ago. Have you picked the doctor yet I have the worst luck at Yale. What part of the state are you in are you closer to Boston and go to Dana farber or are you in Stanford New York
If southern CT I would suggest where I go to Sloan Kettering in their West Harrison NY location at the bottom of 684 and Hutch Parkway.
I am in central/eastern CT in Colchester I have only been see by a Hematologist so far and still in that scared as hell place and reading like crazy. I did find the specialist at Yale searching online but was going to wait until my FISH results come back to make any decisions. Probably Dana Farber in Boston would be my next choice.
Welcome from another 52 year old in Philly. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. After initially freaking out, I found the best doctor I could (Dr. Byrd at OSU) and resolved to do everything he told me to. I found this approach has managed by anxiety and given me access to the best trials.
Welcome to the CLLub.
Best of luck to you from NC!
Hello! I just found this site myself. Many years ago after diagnosed CLL, I was not sure what to do! I have learned a lot more in a few days reading at this site, and people have been very helpful. Happy for you that you found this site so soon.