I’ve had CLL for nine years. I was treated (O&V) a couple of years ago, and my numbers are great! Unfortunately, I developed a secondary cancer this past March. I had emergency surgery for a mass removal in my small intestine. I’m wondering if anyone else has Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET)? I’ve been told it is not related to my CLL. I’m just unfortunately challenged with two separate cancers (both chronic and not treated with chemo). Rough year, but I’m staying positive and active! Thanks in advance for any insight/feedback!
Secondary cancer: I’ve had CLL for nine years. I... - CLL Support
Secondary cancer

My son had Neuroendocrine tumours in his appendix removed 6 years ago.
He also had a part of his colon removed. They did get it all and he didn’t need any treatment just follow-up every three months for 3 years with MRI every six months.
He is doing very well now and we can all breathe better. I was diagnosed with CLL/SLL just a year prior to his diagnosis and when I asked my doctor if there is connection between his and my cancers she said not at all, but it took a lot of emotional pain and work stop blaming myself.
I am very sorry for the rough year you had to go through. It will get better hopefully 🙏🏻. The best of luck and bright and healthy time’s ahead for you and your family 🤗
sorry to hear what a rough year you’ve had. Wishing you strength and good health in 2025.
wow. Yes. I had that exact tumor in my stomach. Same time as I was being treated for my second time with CLL. The first time I had FCR and was told that it does lead to secondary cancers. How interesting we both had the same type of tumors. It was in 2020 which was a horrible year. I am doing great right now. Writing this from the cancer center getting IVIG.
So glad to hear that you are doing great! Turns out that my tumors were not isolated to my intestines, so I’m getting monthly injections to help keep them at bay. I actually feel good overall. Are you being treated for your NETS - wondering how treatment might work if needed for both CLL and NETS? So grateful for my wonderful doctors and the advancement of medicine!!!
I have CLL and during a very fortunate allergic reaction to Ibrutnib that landed me in the hospital, a CT Scan showed I had kidney cancer. It was discovered early and a partial removal of part of my cancer solved my kidney cancer.