Hi everyone ,
I am so glad with this site.
My name is Anja, 67 years old , and I live in the Netherlands.
I was diagnosed with CLL in september 2010.
In 2012 I got FCR for six rounds. After that I was stuffy and it occurred that I had heart failure because of the chemo therapy.
It took me years to recover from that.
In 2017 I started with Ibrutinib and stayed on that for 4 years. I had to stop because I got side effects (aspergillis) on my skin.
After a few months my glands enlarged and I felt stuffy.The glands pushed against my longs. I had to stay in the hospital en started wit venetoclax and rituximab.
I did very well on that for 2 years. they were the best from my CLL journey.
2 months ago I had to stop with venetoclax because the 24 months were passed.
After 3 weeks I already felt swollen lymph nodes on my neck.
last week my CLL specialist told me that now is the moment for a stem cell transplant.
I am afraid to start with that treatment because of my heart and overall condition.
I would rather continue wit Venetoclax.
I hope someone of you can tell me what to do.
Are there more possibilities then stem cell transplant?
Has any one experience with alternatives?
CLL poor risk 17P deletion TP53 complex cytogenetic