My brother started Venetoclax 2 weeks ago. He started with a swelling supraclavicular lymph node, and an pelvis node. The first week, almost with 20 mg dose, the lymph node in the supraclavicular start to be much smaller. Then the doctors check his tests labs this Monday, and there are ok, but he has neutropenia. He take the next dose escalation of venetoclax 50 mg, and also 3 shots of Neupogen. He had fever for 2 days, and 1 day with muscular pain, and today he has no Fever and no muscular pain, but feel with no too much energy. The node spracavicular became smaller, but he has another nodes in axilary and pelvis.
He is 17p tp53.
My question is on Monday the lab results are ok, but I try to undestand why still this nodes inflamate. Usually all nodes disappear totally in the next doses, 100, 200, 400 mg?
He will have the next lab test on Monday, but I’m affraid and sad if he has no objetive response to venetoclax. I can’t understand because with 20 mg he respond very well. It’s hard to understand because one node almost dessapear and the others not. It will be about a leucothitosys created by Neupogen?
Can you tell me please your node reduction experiences, and the time, using venetoclax monotherapy?
At the start of the venetoclax treatment the doctors said that may be the could add Rituximab.
Thank you so much ♥️