Turning to this very informative group for answers while waiting for my follow up visit after recent pet scan. Long story short hopefully… diagnosed in 2008 with cll, Started treatment in 2011 after biopsy of mass in nasopharynx turned out to be CLL related. Had 6 cycles of B& R, then maintenance Rituxan monthly, but was discontinued due to reaction (rash). CLL returned while on maintenace R so Bendamutine added for another 6 cycles. Was in remission till 2017, I opted for venetoclax, drug had to be dicontinued due to adverse reaction and neutropenia, but I achieved remission. In 2019 had another node biopsy in neck, cll related, pet scan numerous nodes above and below diaphragm. The ones in abdomen were causing the most problems, so calquence was started. Calquence lowered wbc to normal levels and shrunk nodes initially. In 2021 after covid, persistent upper and gadtr infections, doc lowered calquence dose, I rapidly lost weight, had night sweats, went thru pet can again, lots more nodes and inflammation from esophagus to colon, wbc increased ans Calquence dosed upped to 200 mgs/day. Have been on full dose for 1 year and now wbc on the rise and all nodes above and below diaphragm are growing. No transformation to Richters.
I am unmutated, 11q, tp53. My disease mostly presents in my lymph nodes. My doc said I am not a candidate for Gazya due to adverse reaction to Rituxan. My question is what’s next? My local oncologist said only clinical trial. Waiting to see specialist at Upenn to see what she has to say.