Hi everyone regarding letters/textes I think we all know that we have an increased risk with cll, we don't need any letters really to confirm this, any employers will only need confirmation of the condition if you do stop working and I'm pretty certain any Gp would issue a letter or note confirming this, so we don't need to worry if we have not received a letter, I have read that a couple of members have been told by their health care nurse connected to their cll treatment plan etc , they are not in the list of the very vulnerable group but they are in the at risk group, I imagine the rational behind this is that someone who's bloods have been stable over year to years even with certain treatments , no history of any prior infections of any kind and depending on age my be less vulnerable than others but are still in the at risk group because of there cll, in other words their immune response or system may be a little more robust than other cll patients even thou the fundermentals are we are all ummunuosuppressed, all of us let me make that clear but to different degrees this may depend on age, treatments or prior treatments or biology of the disease I imagine that must be the rational behind that decision, I would imagine letters will continue to be sent out next week so any one who has not received one yet may receive them early next week, more of an issue for me is shopping, I know supermarkets are trying to introduce safer shopping zones 2 meters etc but let me tell you they are still busy I needed to go on Friday, I drove but daughter went in to the store opened at 6am it usual opening times was 24hrs superstore it looked like everyone else had the same idea it was rather busy considering it was 6am, I am registered with sainsburys now but still not on their list, I registered with the the most vulnerable goverenment list on Monday, but still not showing up on any supermarket lists may be I need to give it more time by the way I am still waiting for my text and letter, I feel shopping is a real risk even if you send someone else who lives in your household the risk comes into the household so to speak, anyway apoligies i have waffled on far to long and in a incoherent manner lol been off work since Monday fron the NHS and thats the result me waffling on here, I do like the word waffling