Hi All
I received this yesterday I guess because I am a T anyway can someone advise why Antibiotics are needed in case of the Coronavirus ?
If you are a CLL or SLL patient, it is advisable to keep a supply of antibiotics in reserve. We suggest you speak to your GP or consultant about this.
This is the last sentence below.
Special medical newsletter
02 March 2020
The spread of the Corona virus (2019-nCoV) is causing considerable concern, and we have received requests from members and others for more information. The situation is changing rapidly and it is likely that the virus will spread, even though there are currently very few cases. Current advice and details of the spread of the virus can be found on our website here
The government website giving further up-to-date information can be found here It is updated daily.
Our technical medical adviser has posted a comprehensive summary of the situation on our HealthUnlocked forum and why the virus seems to attack vulnerable adults here (please note, if you have not already joined Health Unlocked you will need to join to view this page)
Currently, the risk of catching the virus is very small. However, this is an opportune moment to remind everyone about the sensible precautions that should be taken to minimise risk.
This time of year is, in any case, a peak time for annual influenza and the precautions are the same in both cases.
Why it is important
CLL and SLL patients are at increased risk of infection because we have an immune system that is not working properly. This means that infections can be more serious than for people whose immune response is normal.
What you should do
Avoid, as far as possible, crowded places where infections are likely to be passed on.
Wash hands regularly and thoroughly. Pay particular attention to the back of hands, between fingers and the base of the thumb. It's recommended that two minutes are needed to cleanse hands thoroughly, about the time it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice!
A virus can exist for a long time on things like doorknobs and handrails, so consider wearing gloves when you go out.
If you feel unwell, contact your GP immediately. The trigger point is if your temperature reaches 37.5 - 38.0 degrees. This could signal an infection which may, or may not, be influenza but should be checked in any case. Your GP and receptionist should be made aware that you have leukaemia and are immune compromised, so that your symptoms can be investigated immediately.
The symptoms of the corona virus are shown below. Please bear in mind that the early symptoms are in some ways similar to the usual seasonal 'flu symptoms. Both are types important to refer to your GP. Do not visit the surgery as this risks spreading the disease.
Just a few final points:
Make sure your pneumonia and seasonal 'flu vaccinations are up to date. Our website gives full details of what you need here
If you are a CLL or SLL patient, it is advisable to keep a supply of antibiotics in reserve. We suggest you speak to your GP or consultant about this.