Since diagnosis at the beginning of May I have completed three rounds of FCR treatments. The first cycle went well and before second cycle my blood counts were close to normal (low lymphs). After second cycle everything started to go down and my third round was put off for two weeks while my counts improved. Many counts were low but not far out of the normal range. After my third cycle (July 12,13,14) my counts continued to decline and I picked up a bug. I never had more than 100F temperature but had a dry,dry cough that was exhausting. Finally dragged my self to my primary care physicians office and was given prescription for Ceftin. After a couple of days and feeling worse I went back and was sent for chest X-ray and give prescription for inhaler. The inhaler worked well. Got dreadful headaches that otc acetaminophen could not deal with. Called oncologist/hematologist to let them know what had been happening and was prescribed stronger pain meds for my headache. Only took one and had an ok nights sleep. X-ray showed small area of opacity (pneumonia) when I went for follow up with my primary care on Monday. Next day (Tuesday - yesterday) I had appointment with oncologist/hematologist - hemoglobin level had now dropped to 5.2, (it was 8.6 previous week) hematocrit:14.5, wbc:1.9, rbc:1.6, plt:143, abs.neuts:1.3, aly: 0.1. I was sent directly to hospital for transfusion - three units - I have been home now for about and hour and feel much better - my husband said I looked like a corpse yesterday - I have pinked up. My levels are all still low: hg:7.9, hematocrit:21.9, wbc:2.4, rbc: 2.5, plt:113, abs.neuts:2.2, aly:0 (2%).
My oncologist started to talk about dropping Fludara part of FCR and then talked about other things that I was not ready for and so could not ask any intelligent questions. I would appreciate any insight into why my blood counts are acting the way they have and what questions I should ask my hematologist/oncologist when I see him next week.
Thanking you all in advance! Liz.