Hi - Thanks in advance for reading my post. I had my routine CBC performed and my WBC came in low @ 3.3. The differential shows my lymphocyte count at 48.3%, my lymphocyte by thousands at 1.6, neutrophils segmented at at 40.2 and my ANC at 1.3. The NP at the doctor's office told me it is most likely a form of blood cancer or an autoimmune disorder and to see the hematologist? I had an appointment scheduled with a hematologist, but now it may be cancelled/postponed due to an incoming snow storm. In the interim, I've googled my numbers and I'm incredibly anxious.
The other lab results are coming in the normal range - my esosioonphil count is 1.2, my monocyte count is 9.1%, basophil count is 1.2, MCHC, etc. My hemoglobin is at 14, platelets at 262 (usually hover around 270s), HCT is 41.1, my RBC is 4.28. All my liver functions /CMP results are normal.
Historically, my WBC always hangs in the lower "normal range" of 4.1 - 4.8. I usually fall in the low normal end of RBC as well.I am actually feeling well - no symptoms of anything.
I was actually doing ok as I stayed off Dr. Google but with the impending cancellation/rescheduling I feel I've lost some of my rational reasoning.
Thank you again for any insight or questions I should be asking or thinking about.