Overdone lip lift: Hi All - I recently had a... - Changing Faces

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Overdone lip lift

Mads162 profile image
2 Replies

Hi All - I recently had a lip lift 5 months ago and my doctor took off way too much skin. Now my philtrum is micro... but the worst part is the horrible scar and nose disfiguration. I feel so betrayed because the surgeon assured me it would be “so natural” and “so subtle”. This has changed my life and I am severely depressed. I’m experiencing the darkest side of plastic surgery as I’ve seen countless doctors trying to fix this but there is nothing anybody can do. Once you remove the skin you can’t add it back. Since my surgery, I found out that my doctor killed somebody due to gross negligence and she was caught writing fake reviews. I feel so stupid. I have replayed the surgery day in my head every single day for the past 5 months. I wish I could escape but the mirror is a constant reminder that I have ruined my face. Can anybody relate? I would love to hear your advice. I used to be confident and social but now I quit my job and moved back in with my parents. I wrote goodbye letters to all of my loved ones the other day. I’m trying to fight this depression with everything I have but sometimes I feel like I’m losing. I’m trying to get psychiatric help and possibly go on medication.

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2 Replies

Hello Mads162 and welcome to the community. It sounds hard for you that your surgery didn't go as expected and that other doctors you've seen are unable to rectify the outcome. How terrible to learn that your doctor had been guilty of gross negligence which resulted in someone's death! I'm sorry to hear how you feel and wonder if knowing what you know now about your doctor makes a difference. You obviously didn't know this before your surgery.

Have you spoken with your parents about your feelings? You might be pleasantly surprised at the support you get if you open up to loved ones. It is also positive that you are seeking professional help. Well done. Changing Faces as an organisation offers emotional support and information for people affected by appearance-related concerns in the UK. More information about the service is available at changingfaces.org.uk/advice.... You can also call Samaritans on 116 123 anytime to talk about anything on your mind.

If you ever find yourself in danger of hurting yourself, please contact your local emergency services. In the UK this would be your local Accident & Emergency Department or call 999 for an ambulance.

Take care,


Hi Mads162. I just read your post and I really sympathise with you. I wish I could give you good advice but I’d feel like a hypocrite since as you know I’m going through something similar. I feel like sometimes victims of bad plastic surgery do not get as much sympathy because some people have that “well you wanted plastic surgery, this is what you get” attitude. But I hope you know you have been wronged and none of this is your fault. I hope your family are being as supportive as mine but if you need to talk to someone else, please feel free to message me. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but you will be happy again and it may take a while and perhaps a shift in mindset but please please please don’t harm yourself over this. I have my own other issues, but I believe we both need to seek professional help. ❤️

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