Hi. It seems like this site is getting more traffic recently so I thought I’d make a post. A year and a half ago I was in a car accident. I am in my early 20s. Never thought this would happen to me. I have a lot of scaring all over, especially on my face. Mainly my forehead and over my eye. I lost an eye. Still having surgeries trying to fix everything but Idk. Recently I accepted that this is how it will be and there is no going back to how I looked before the accident. I feel like this is a good step forward, though not an easy one. I was full of hope and now it seems I have none. I think the hardest part is that no one can relate to what is making me upset. I want to isolate myself. I don’t want to bother anyone so I don’t talk about it. When people tell me their problems I sit and think “wow I wish my problems were that small”. Which is so unfair to my friends and family. I don’t want to think that way. I know everyone’s problems are valid. If anyone can relate and wants to talk, feel free to message me. I think it would be easier if I could just talk to someone who knows what it’s like.
Idk: Hi. It seems like this site is getting... - Changing Faces

Welcome to the group!
I hope that you are able to find some degree of comfort in knowing that we all have similar issues to deal with & are very willing to reach out to help each other in any way we can.
@Gogo_go It’s normal when something happens that not many people can relate to that you would feel alone. The people around you may not be able to grasp what your going through but they will all want to help. Isolation may seem easier now while your coming to terms with what has happened but I think it makes it harder to find your way back to good things if you do isolate yourself. I’m around if you want to talk. Well done in opening up about your problems that’s a big step forward.
Hi Gogo_go, nice to see you are reaching out! I feel the best way we can support one other is through sharing our stories. It helps so much to know we aren't alone, even though it can often feel that way. The majority of people in society don't know what it's like to live with a visible mark. If we are lucky we have people in our lives who are strong and mature enough to know we are all a little bit different. And just because for some of us it's more apparent, that doesn't make us any less worthy or deserving of respect, esteem and love. ❤️ I'm sorry you're feeling isolated, you can bring your full self here at any time and connect with us!
It takes a lot to open up and I understand that so I just wanna say well done in taking the first step to talk. I think it’s really really important that we all talk about the “untalkable”. Which, is easy to say... I know. However, I think the more open we try to become the easier it will be to talk about and the easier it will become to accept it. We can do this. 🙂
You are so right! Thanks for replying. I have felt really alone for the last year but reading everyone else’s stories has helped a lot. Seeing people being comfortable with their own stories is something I aspire to achieve. I think we really are our own biggest critics and need to be able to find beauty in ourselves
Welcome back! Great to see that you're getting some support here. Stay connected.
Kind regards,