Free for All on Friday and Best Wishes for ... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday and Best Wishes for the New Year

21 Replies

Hello everyone and I'll keep this short and sweet today, which is of course New Year's Eve. It's been another tough year for the vast majority of us, and while wishing you all a very happy New Year and many blessings, I guess we have to be realistic and realise that there are many challenges ahead for 2022 at the same time. We can all give ourselves a bit pat on the back for our fortitude I think. It's been such a long period of restrictions and altered lifestyle and we're all tired and fed up. But as always on New Year's Eve there's a frisson of hope in the air that things might be better as we start a clean slate once again.

It's also Friday so a chance to post on any topic you wish, within our Community guidelines.

Finally thanks for all your support of the Community throughout the year. I think we've done OK in terms of supporting each other whenever necessary. Life as a Carer never becomes any easier and I hope the Care Community is a useful space to drop by for help and a shoulder, whenever it is necessary.

All the best everyone, and may your new year be a good one for you!

Photo: Kelly Sikkema Unsplash

21 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Thank you for all your help and kindness throughout the year Callendersgal. Let’s hope next year brings hope and happiness in some way to us all. Life is very challenging at times and I want to send good wishes to carers everywhere. You’re amazing. Happy New Year everyone. Take care. Xx👍💜🤗😘

in reply to sassy59

Thank you too sassy59, for all your marvellous support, both to me and to the whole community. You are an absolute asset to us all. Likewise wishing you and those you love a happy and successful New Year! 👍😊💖🙏xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to


klr31 profile image

Happy New Year, Callendersgal. Thank you for all you do on here.

Karen x

in reply to klr31

Thank you Karen and a very happy new year to you too! x

klr31 profile image
klr31 in reply to

Thank you. X

Lynd profile image

Happy new year.Hope things will calm down a bit next year .

in reply to Lynd

Let's hope so Lynd and happy New Year to you both too.

Happier new year to you and Kasar!

Baby is fine and is looking forward to her treats after our nye party tonight that will be at home again along with some films and to be honest with you part of me is glad that the usual nye celebrations arent happening as its less pressure on me but I was gutted though for the people who do enjoy those things having had the door slammed shut on them at the last minute as I feel it hurts worse when you think you are getting something only to have the door slammed shut in your face at the last minute than being told a straight and honest no that's not possible!

I feel I made the right decision in having no high expectations of things as it has worked out fine and I have enjoyed the simple things like picnics on the beach at Barry Island, picnics on Swansea beach along with a visit to the waterfront and Swansea museums, picnics at Neath abbey which was somewhere I hadn't been to before so it was a new experience and I enjoyed the lido Ponty as well and picnics there in that park and up until last July I had never visited the town but I was pleasantly surprised by it though and saw an old friend at the lido as well and renewed that friendship so no the good in life hasn't all been taken away due to covid!

Yesterday I enjoyed a nice long walk in Roath park and wasn't expecting the ice cream van to be there but they were which was a nice surprise and I had an unexpected ice cream treat off them which was great even though it was pouring down with rain!

Today I have had a great walk round the neighbourhood which I really enjoyed as I find fresh air and exercise does me good!

Its about accepting the things you can't change and dealing with the things you can do something about like your behaviour and how well you treat others with the same courtesy you would expect for yourself.

My job hunting will be restarting next Tuesday after a nice break away from it and I will take my time and not be afraid to say no to ridiculous requests and make sure I have coffee and lunch breaks whilst doing it no matter what the circumstances!

Happy New Year to you all Catgirl1976 and you are moving into 2022 with a lovely positive attitude. I always think that the way we think about things influences how well things turn out for us in the end. Wishing you well for your renewed job searching!

Sara_2611 profile image

wishing everyone a happy, hopeful & safe new year Thanks to everyone for the advice kindness you have shown

in reply to Sara_2611

Thank you Sara_2611 and wishing you all the best for 2022👍

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611 in reply to

thanks very much let it be better

Jennymary profile image

Firstly I'd like to thank everyone for their support over the last few months, since my fall, and wish you all a happy healthy New Year

Had quite a day yesterday, despite lots of communication I've yet to hear when a District nurse would come and give me my flu and covid booster vaccines, so as my sister doesn't work this week I booked a pharmacy appt a short car ride away for covid, we had to queue for about 15 minutes but then I was jabbed and off we went. There's a branch of Waitrose 5 minutes from the pharmacy so we went in there, neither of us really wanted anything but we found a few things, and that was the first time I'd been into a shop since August, needless to say my legs were quite tired when I got home, so I sat on my bed for a while. On Wednesday I'd rung consultants secretary as my first checkup is due between 6 - 14 January depending on whether you go 12 weeks or 3 months, she rang me back yesterday when I got home and I'm going on the 13th, I rang this morning and arranged my transport, so hopefully not too long until I can start bending again because I'm now getting very frustrated with finding my grabber of I drop something.

Also 2 days before Christmas there was a festive get together at work so I was able to get a lift up and back and had an enjoyable couple of hours up there with people I haven't seen for months

in reply to Jennymary

You had a pretty horrible year Jennymary. Wishing you a much better one to come!

Goldenanny profile image

Thank you to everyone in these posts giving support and advice to those who need it. 👍👍A special thank you to all carers at home and in care homes etc. I don’t know how I would have coped the past two years with all those who have helped care for my sister.

When you are younger you don’t realise as your loved ones get older just how much hard work is involved. I do feel humbled when my sister says to me, “Why do I deserve a sister as good as you?” I reply, “Because you are my sister and I love you.”

Health and happiness to all xxx

Thank you Goldenanny and I join with you in wishing extra special good wishes to all who are carers. You're right that very few of us consider how life may treat us and leave us vulnerable to the care of others, and thank heavens for those who, despite the difficulties, step up to the plate and make life bearable for the cared-for, often at the expense of their own health and wellbeing. Sending love and wishing you strength and courage to carry on caring for your sister. I think the job is a little easier when there is love! Happy New Year to you both.

FredaE profile image

you are so rght calendersgal Carers are the most wonderful people in the world .Often it is not until they are able to get back to their normal life thatthey themseve realisehow much has been askedof them. Theydo it without question

FredaE profile image
FredaE in reply to FredaE

Happy New year to everyone. This was my first holiday after Victor died. I was waited on hand and foot and had time to start painting again. It was part of being looked after by my wonderful friends. I dont like cruises much but it was just what i needed Note; Brent this was pen and water colour pencils very portable

watercolour of a harbour from a cruise ship
in reply to FredaE

That's beautiful FredaE and you've captured a busy scene so skilfully. You are a very talented artist!

FredaE profile image

was -but i am working on it !!!

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