Hi everyone,
Here’s the end of our first week of 2022 and I do hope you’ve all had a good start to the new year. Regardless of our resolutions (broken or not), and the knowledge that a happy new year isn’t ever guaranteed, I always feel that it’s like opening up my new diary and seeing a fresh period of time stretching ahead of me. Oh those first few pen strokes. Will I make a mess of the very first page? Good or bad times ahead, it feels like the start of a new adventure.
It’s also our first Friday of the year, so please feel free to post as you wish, so long as you remain within our community guidelines, and the start of the year might be the time to take a quick refresher of those. Most people within the community are always very respectful and mindful and the rules are just common sense reminders to be kind and not break the few rules which keep the community safe and a good place to be for us all.
To those who have joined us over the past couple of weeks, a very warm welcome to you.
What’s everyone done with their first few days of the year? I met up with an old dance buddy yesterday. I haven’t seen her since the beginning of the first lockdown of the pandemic in March 2020, and I knew already that she had been through a difficult time. After a long spell with ulcerative colitis, she was faced with surgery and the life-changing operation which gave her a colostomy to get used to. Then when we spoke on the phone during the week, she told me she was also undergoing breast cancer treatment. That was a big blow to hear, and I’ll admit to being a little fearful of seeing her again when the last time had been when she was still in robust, reasonably good health.
But aren’t some people marvellous? She was her old self, a lot thinner but just as cheery and determined to be getting on with her life. On top of all her own problems and at the age of 83 she is now also caring for her 94 year old husband who is in the late stages of heart failure. She remains undaunted. I wish I had half of her courage, grit, determination, energy and will to enjoy every day of her life. She’s even managing a little country dancing with friends here and there.
It did me so much good to catch up with her and reminded me of the merits of just getting on with things, good or bad, because we can’t change what the storms of life throw at us, we can only learn to surf the angry sea.
So now over to you……. Hope you had a good week and that another will follow.