Hi everyone, It's free for all Friday again and I see that, as I've arrived here a little later than usually, BrentW has already treated us to one of his paintings which is particularly lovely today. So please use today to post off-topic if you'd like, just remembering to keep it all within our community guidelines, as always.
It was a recent post that had me thinking about my topic for today. Our proactive, long-term and much liked member secrets22 posted yesterday about a social event which has suddenly woken him up to the fact that, no matter what befalls us in life, we can learn to enjoy aspects of it again.
I think that sociability is something which is so important to us all. I just heard on a news broadcast that a well known supermarket chain is planning to abandon checkout assistants in favour of shopping by 'app' so that no human contact will be necessary. How awful, in my opinion. Another decision based on greed probably and I hope it doesn't backfire on them. We all need a friendly face and some interaction, and for many isolated people a cheery two minute chat with a checkout assistant is all that they get, all day or even all week.
This is especially important to remember if being a carer is making you isolated. It's so hard when you aren't free to leave home when you want, and all too easy to drop contacts with acquaintances (and they with you), and to find the whole business of going out just too much trouble. But what follows from that train of thought is loneliness and possible clinical depression so it's vital to find some way to carry on mixing with people.
My sister pays a carer to sit with her husband while she continues her zumba classes once a week. It's actually funded by her Attendance Allowance and although it eats up most of it, it's a price worth paying for her. And although it's a lot of bother, on fine days, she gets her husband ready to go out and encourages him along to a local shop to pick up a newspaper. He can't see to read, or comprehend the news, but it provides an excuse for their going out together and they quite often meet someone known to one or both of them. I don't doubt that sometimes you might have to be a bit inventive, but it's something well worth doing.
So thanks secrets22 for providing me with today's topic and I truly am so happy for you.
I hope everyone has had a good week in some way or another and that the weekend will bring a little relaxation to you all. Hope this lovely UK autumn weather will linger for a little longer and that it's a good time of year wherever you are.
Photo: Unsplash: michellePpZasSO86os