Free For All on Friday: Hello everyone, I... - Care Community

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Free For All on Friday

22 Replies

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone has enjoyed at least a partially pleasant week since last it was time for our Free For All on Friday. I'm loving the look of Friday here on the south coast today, as it's a really pretty, sunny day.

Before I go further, let me welcome anyone who has newly joined the group over the past week. Welcoming you warmly and looking forward to your contributions to the group.

And of course now it's Friday, it's time for another free-for-all when you are welcome to post on topics of your choice, so long as they are within our community guidelines. If you aren't sure, please do take a look at those, which are in the pinned posts on our home page.

This week, I've been fully absorbed in matters of housing. First there's my daughter's attempt to 'escape to the country'. It's been very challenging as she wanted a period property but needs to commute into London most days and also there aren't many out there at the moment for sale, as it seems that, since the start of the pandemic, everyone else has the same idea that she does. But anyway, she has made an offer that's been accepted, and whilst we both know there are many hazards and pitfalls before it becomes hers, we are hoping for the best outcome! As if that wasn't enough, she wants a dolls house too! She decided she'd like an old Tri ang one and negotiations online have proved to be almost as challenging as buying the real thing. It's taken both of us to get the deal 'in the bag'!

Then my own dolls house has undergone major reconstruction. (Some of you will know that I have one of those dolls houses for grown ups which occupies far too much of my time). My contractor (my husband) was tasked with altering the opening of the basement while I stood by as helpless as a mother hen hoping all would go well, but surreptitiously looking for other second hand houses online, 'just in case'. In the event all has gone well and it now opens from the front instead of the sides, which makes it much more convenient to access. So my own contribution has been to give its two rooms a paint job, re-wallpapering and new flooring. Today the 'below stairs' residents will be moving back in.

I wonder what all of you have been up to this week?

22 Replies
Jennymary profile image

Sounds like you and your family have been busy with housing issues this week, I wish you all luck with getting everything resolved.

Since being discharged from hospital I've walked, on my own, to the garage twice, the first time, last Saturday, there was nobody else around. My phased return to work begins next Wednesday when I go on for a couple of hours training, then I'll be back on reception the weekend after next, scared but excited

This is the first week of 4 of physio's coming out to help improve outdoor mobility, since being discharged from hospital I've got loads of questions, how far can I bend amongst others, asked physio who came Tuesday, yesterday different physio who took questions back, today I've got another one coming out with a rollator as the Red Cross support worker is bringing 2 out on Monday for me to try so I asked physio if they'd be OK and they've totally misunderstood the question

in reply to Jennymary

Well done Jennymary, you're continuing wonderfully well on your road to recovery and it now seems a much better situation than in those dark days just after you hurt yourself. I'm sure it's grit and determination that have helped to get you there. Hopefully a rollator will help to support you and give you more confidence to get out and about and wishing you well with your phased return to work. It's all really encouraging! 👍

in reply to Jennymary

That's great to hear you will be doing a phased return to work!

sassy59 profile image

Good afternoon Callendersgal and everyone on this chilly Friday. The weeks are just flying by it seems. January is generally a slow plodding month but seems to be gathering pace now. Not that I’m wishing the days away……lol.Had a fairly quiet week again as we’re happy being at home but we’ve seen our daughter and grandson today. Both boys are popping round later while our daughter goes to the dentist. Be nice to have them both here.

I do wish your daughter well with her house purchase and subsequent move. Hope she gets the house and dolls house of her dreams. I really wish I still had my dolls house from my childhood but that was given away many years ago. Good luck with decorating yours after your husband made a good job of the alterations.

Have a wonderful weekend one and all. Stay safe, warm and well. Xxx🤗💜💕🌷

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, glad to hear you are feeling pretty contented at the moment and of course it's great to enjoy being at home. I often think it seems silly to invest all the time and money that we do in our homes and then feel trapped or bored, but of course there's that other thing at the moment which tells us sometimes that we've seen a bit too much home now, and we want to spread our wings a little bit moving forward. Great to be with the boys for a while. It's lovely to be able to see them and spend time with them.Thanks for your good wishes for my daughter Pam and fingers crossed she manages to get through with her planned move.

Oh those things we part with from childhood and then miss as we get struck by nostalgia later in life. I remember my own childhood dolls house well too, and now that I am older and wiser, I also reflect on the fact that my mum and dad moved heaven and earth to have it made for me, in the hardest of financial times, so freshly done that the paint was still tacky on Christmas morning when I received it. It was given with love and played with, with love, and I see and appreciate the bigger picture now. What a shame we don't understand in our childhoods. Best wishes for a great weekend and yes, keep warm, it sounds like it'll be a chilly one! xxx ❤️👍😊🙏

in reply to

We are thinking of moving but decided to put it off for a little while.

sassy59 profile image

Thank you for a lovely reply Callendersgal and yes we are trying to get out and about when we can be bothered…lol. We do enjoy the garden centre just down the road and will go further afield when the weather improves. Take care xxx💖😘💜

in reply to sassy59

There's a garden centre in St Mellons just outside Cardiff that looks like a nice place to visit for a morning or afternoon out to blow the cobwebs off!

Years ago I used to work in the Eastern Business Park nearby and there was a colleague who would enjoy a walk to that garden centre at lunchtime to have a break from the place.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

That sounds excellent Catgirl. We have Haskins near to where we live and it’s big and airy so a nice place to have a coffee too. Xxxx

Busy but enjoyable week this week here.

Lunch today was a homemade root veg pie which we both enjoyed with carrots, Swede and red potatoes in it which we both enjoyed.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to lunch out for hubby's birthday which we lost out on last year when everything was shut and even though I was miffed on Wednesday when the 9am bus didn't turn up so I didn't get a workout in the park by the Royal Gwent where I had my interview at 11 I decided to rearrange the park for 2 weeks this Saturday and booked a table for lunch at a French bistro in the town centre there!

Back in the summer they were doing work at temple meads so the railway to the west country was shut from July to the September and we were all discussing perhaps meeting up in chepstow as my friends could get the bus up there and I had said what about meeting up in Newport for a change not knowing they had stopped the severnside bus to Newport as it wasn't making a profit only doing Bristol to Chepstow nowadays and they had laughed and one of them had said in regard to Newport you have to be sick in the head to want to go there as he thinks that the town is a dump!

It's a post industrial working class town like Scunthorpe and Widnes in how its laid out.

At least things like trips to the park can be rearranged for another time same as weekends away and holidays can but sadly some things can't be replaced that were stolen away during the pandemic!

Next week will be busy as I have some more interviews and I have booked to go on some online courses as well which have helped keep me occupied.

Yesterday I had a phone interview for a job in the afternoon and they said they only contact the successful people which is fair enough.

I heard back from Wednesday's interview earlier on and didn't get the job but I wasn't sorry as I don't think I would have enjoyed it there!

The lady who interviewed me was nice though and had been constructive on the phone with her feedback so if they have anything in the future there I am interested in then I will be happy to reapply there.

At the Royal Gwent we had gone to the restaurant for a cup of tea before my interview and a member of staff was rude to us in there so we decided not to go there again and were glad they were rude to us as at least on Monday before my interview we know not to go there for breakfast or cups of tea so perhaps by accident it was a favour when the 9am bus didn't turn up!

On Wednesday my friends waited for me in the Costa cafe where a and e used to be at the Royal Gwent and said how they couldn't do enough for them in there as no one was rude to them!

Royal Gwent is now a nurse led minor injuries unit after they opened the new Grange hospital a and e in cwmbran back in 2020.

Jennymary profile image

And this, afternoon I've been discharged from the community physio team 🏃‍♂️

in reply to Jennymary

That's excellent news to hear!

in reply to Jennymary

Really good! 👍👍

Lynd profile image

Good to hear you are going back to work Jennymary.My husband is back in hospital.

He may be coming home this weekend.

From talking to the staff it looks like he is going on a waiting list for surgery. Hope it isn't too long otherwise these admissions are going to keep happening.

We have spoken on the phone every day but I have not visited.

I have taken the difficult decision to give myself a break.

I feel better already for having a little time to myself. I have also had to consider the covid risk from going into hospital frequently. If I go down it all goes to pot.

Saying that, if he is still in next week I will of course vist.

I do feel a little guilty but I feel that as a carer I will be better for the break.

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to Lynd

Sorry to hear about your husband I hope he's soon on the mend and he gets a date for his surgery which will happen in the not too distant future. I feel you're right by not visiting due to the risk of Covid, I'm sure your husband fully understands and it's good you are able to speak with him on the phone every day, give yourself lots of me time while hubby is in hospital as you know he is being well looked after, I wish you both well xx

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to Jennymary

Hospital told me I could bring him home this afternoon. He is now home.They have looked after him well.

It was good to have that break. I feel a lot better for it.

Have slept a lot.

Take care everyone. I will still be using a mask. Hate the thing but I believe it helps us have some protection.

Femai profile image

Wow like your Post!

Femai profile image

Wednesday I didn’t know what to do just walking down to the cafe where we live I thought I am not going to get enough excercise in Walking which I have set up an Active 10 on my mobile! Just walking there & back. So I was thinking in the Cafe what shall I do! Ordered 2 small Lattes as that is what u get at this cafe. So that fitted in my Calories! I had been thinking before we set off I wanted to go to a diy shop where they sell kitchen stuff! So then came a thought while I was sitting in cafe I just want to go to that shop down there I said to carer So off I went & I had a look & I saw some Washing up bowl in cream colour as it will be lighter soon! Light for Spring Dark for Winter! I am fussy! So I Bought one & a Cutely Tray for putting knives & 🍴! The I Saw some cups which I liked so bought 2! Just to make me feel different & different cups for sticking to my Calories! (To help me stick at it!) Oh & I bought a Diet Coke! as well to enjoy! as I used to drink which I don’t now! Just fancied something Non Alcoholic in a can & no SUGAR! Then when got outside Said I want to WALK CANAL! Walk this way! So walked this way it went round to the flats & up past the factory! Then you turn left on Canal it was a bit of a push walking on the flat ground round! But it was SO WORTH IT I thought!!! I Think NOW I’M GETTING EXCERCISE! Then I saw this Pub which sits on the Side of the Canal Never been in I am probably the only 1 who has not been in because I don’t drink for 2 years been to AA to help with my drinking! But I WANTED SOMETHING DIFFERENT to sticking to the Calories! So I Fancied No not Alcohol BUT Diet COKE!!! So we went in! & Just DID THAT!!! Carer was working so had Coke! I felt Wow yer I Had Excercise & bought things for Kitchen to keep me going! & the new Cups to drink out of! & been “Pub”! Diet Coke! But cause I don’t drink ACTUALLY HAD IT IN PUB! Yer Wow I enjoyed that day! So the next day I went Straight to the PUB AGAIN! Diet Coke AGAIN!!!

in reply to Femai

A nice positive time Femai and well done for sticking with your diet Coke!

Femai profile image

Thanks! Thank You!

LancashireLad1 profile image

Hello Callendersgal, what a lovely written post may I say . I wish your Daughter well with her move , I know the hassles of moving and stress it can bring . Fingers crossed 🤞 2022 will be the year we can get back to being normal .x

in reply to LancashireLad1

Thanks LancashireLad1! Yes, let's hope that 2022 is going to be a pleasanter year than we've had recently!

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