I'm sure I've read that we can access results for blood tests etc at hospital via the NHS app. I only seem to be able to see GP services and even then it does not have my GP surgery test results or records. The only things I can see are current and past medications going back to 2005 and my vaccination records. Can anyone advise how I can rectify this or who to contact ? Thank you - Pete
Accessing NHS hospital test results - British Liver Trust
Accessing NHS hospital test results

Do you know if this service from the NHS offered in Scotland given health is devolved as I’ve never heard of it ?
Ask your own GP practice - some have 'patient access' which gives online access to results ... our practice doesn't do online results, just online appointment booking, prescription ordering. We don't have access to anything from local hospital (Ayr) or Edinburgh.
DIabetic patients can log in to 'My diabetes, my way' which gives some access to blood results.
According to NHS England there are many companies like Patient Access that offer services including one called Patients Know Best which it says can access reports and results too. I tried this but none of the options they say are available in their user manual, appear to come uo on my dashboard and my GP records only show current and past meds so I will investigate further.
AyrshireK, may be this is something we should be asking the Scottish Government to consider, at the moment, I understand they appear to be the stumbling block. They also did a trial where we got all out hospital appointments by secure email, which was great, but it was never fully rolled out. When GP practices are struggling, being able to access test results etc electronically would save our time, and their time. I feel a letter to the Scottish Health Secretary coming on.
I got mine from the consultants secretary via email 📧 took 5 minutes with the phone call
the NHS app as far as i am aware doesn't allow you to see your hospital records, you would have to contact the relevant department for results etc . I queried similar thing in past and it only includes your GP documentation, and you have to speak with your GP to make sure what information you have access too as some can provide more than others I think it all depends on there systems capabilities ?
Thank you but that's not what I've just read on the Patients Know Best App manual. You can link this to hospital records apparently if your NHS provider is partneted with PKB. I am surprised you can get them emailed. Our hospital doesn't allow emailed results as email is not encrypted and therefore not secure. I have sent a tech request to the PKB and NHS on line support team for advice.
Same! I always ask the consultants secretary to email my results over (including US reports).
I’m under Addenbrooks & on the my chart system, I get my results appointments aand lettwra from the hospital on there it’s brilliant get blood test results the same day
Hi there. I had to complete an application form for online access and give it to my GP reception form completed. They gave me the form in the first place, it has NHS on it. It took 2-3 weeks to process but I now have access to my test results, letters, prescriptions - I can see it all. Test results come back quicker than you would imagine it is separate to Patient Access, which my GPs practise also uses for booking appointments and ordering prescriptions. For the NHS results I get, it is linked to the NHS app so I login that way. You can’t print anything off from it though. I still need to go to my GP reception to get them to print off blood test results to then take in hand to my PBC Specialist. Likewise, he is unable to access my results on line as he is based away from the area we live in. A little complicated but it does all work.
There must be a way Pete.. I can see everything on the NHS App.. every test result, consultation with my GPs, referrals to specialists, all medication prescribed... etc.. etc... I'm in Kirklees in Yorkshire... it must be driven by each regional NHS district I guess.. I'd call your local GP surgery.. we're lucky, ours is really good...
I had to write to my GP surgery and request access to my records and within a few weeks I did indeed have access to them. I’m in Essex.
I'd like to think this was possible but my GP (Leeds) can't even access bloods done my specialist (Bradford)! I have had to get my results emailed to me, so that I can forward them to my surgery. Bonkers!
I think it depends on which hospital you’re with. The QEHB has one called My Health, you have to ask your consultant for a code number and then they send you another one in the post. Got mine last week, don’t know if it works yet as I’ve no results to check. It’s not Patient Access, that’s through your GP.
patient access works for me and evergreen works for my wife and we order our repeat meds as well with these. All the best
Yes we've been using Patient Access for years to order repeat prescriptions thanks
Ask your doc to allow access to your medical records that should do it. All the best.
I have system online for my GP records, also NHS app, it is up to your GP how much access you have, some only allow prescription request some full access. I also have MYCHART from Addenbrookes however if I have to go to my local hospital in Norwich it's a battle to get anything, I just get told I don't need to know my blood results and have to fight to get them.Good luck
Hilary x
Thanks but that's not the case. It's not up to individual GPs or consultants it is actually government policy since November last year that full on line access to medical records be available. It just seems some practices were / are taking longer to implement and it is complicated by variations with IT systems that can't 'talk' to each other.
Left hand and right hand are not using same systems it’s a proper mash up out there 😂
[ suspect the medical teams would rather you did know. Takes away their power and you may ask difficult questions about your treatment or lack pf treatment. I phone my consultants PA and request a copy. If that does work I email the consultant their, PA. .cc PALS and the Medical director now I don't seem to have a problem anymore. There your records and only in exception circumstances can they with hold the. For example to release the information may someone else may be placed in a vulnerable position.
I'm under Dorchester County Hospital. Eighteen months ago Southampton allowed me to try very expensive drugs for PBC as Urso not working. Was told 4 months ago letter must have got lost in the system. Now I am having to start again. Had biopsy 4 weeks ago. Test sent to Southampton. I am phoning every week, I'm not going to get lost in the system again.