Since I joined this and a couple of similar medically themed forums, my understanding of various illnesses - but chiefly illnesses to do with the liver - has radically changed.
Prior to joining these sites I believed in the following ideas and assumptions, all of which I now know to be untrue:
1. That if you have blood tests at your GP surgery, and of these come back 'OK', then its safe to a assume there's nothing wrong with your liver, and you can carry on with the booze:
I have a friend who is (to me) a fairly heavy drinker, and he is perfectly happy to drink 5 or 6 pints a night when he goes out knowing (quite wrongly in my opinion) that until his blood tests are completely off the scale and/or he has developed the class 'tell tale' signs of a failed or failing lover, then he is totally OK. I also used to believe that but I certainly don't believe that now at all.
2) That unless you have all the classic 'nasty' signs of a cancer or of cirrhosis or of any serious diseases then you can very safely assume that you don't have the disease at all:
I now know this to be untrue, also, and this has been one of the most frightening misconceptions I have ever had, and I have come to experience that that 'cold fear' that only health anxiety sufferers like myself will appreciate when their previous assumptions of 'safety' were shattered by reading the phrase 'You may have some or none of these symptoms', The 'or none' phrase in that line carries the power to terrify me in that it immediately prompts the question, 'Then how then can I ever be sure that I'm OK?', as I'm sure it has also prompted this in a multitude of other anxious people.
3) That once you cut down your drinking to practically zero, or completely down to zero itself, the all your problems will be over, and things such as your little ailments and other funny symptoms will toe the line and either simply disappear for ever, or will gradually fade away within a couple of weeks or a month at the very latest:
This, again, has been far from true with me, and my problems and my symptoms have both increased considerably since I started to 'behave', and every forward step I try to take seems to be challenged and contended against by factors outside my power to fully control.
I'm sorry if I sound to be whingeing but I know this is the one place at least that I can be pretty honest in, so I feel pretty safe in saying that I'm just totally fed up today, and can barely be bothered to keep on trying to sort myself out.
Tomorrow will, I hope, be different, and I'll be back on my feet again and trying, but if anyone offered me a pint right now (which they won't because I'm on a break at work) then I think I might struggle to find the will to turn it down.
Here endeth the whinge...