I have also posted this in LCHF. I am going to try a low carb diet and recipes I have researched have fat in them such as cream, cheese and coconut milk. I have stopped rubbish carbs and sugar. Can anyone advise whether this higher fat diet is safe for someone with fatty liver (never drank alcohol other than a glass at Christmas). Thanks everyone.My blood were ok apart from raised GGT.
Fatty liver and suitable diet - British Liver Trust
Fatty liver and suitable diet

Good morning Tessica,
May I suggest the safest option is to discuss this with your own doctor before undertaking any new lifestyle change and they can recommend what is best for you.
I have included a link to diet in liver disease publication from the British Liver Trust for your information, which advocates a balanced diet.
Best wishes

Thank you for this. My fatty liver was picked up by chance on a scan years ago. GP said not concerned as this is so common. I no longer make GP appointments for advice because it takes 3/4 weeks to get an appointment and basically they aren’t interested and have little knowledge. Hence my question to Members of this forum. So I assume your response will deter people on this Forum from responding to my question?
If you've not already seen it there is good guidance about Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease on BLT page. britishlivertrust.org.uk/in...
Hi Tessica
As moderators we signpost to appropriate information and always reiterate the importance of discussing with your own medical team, as no one on the forum is medically qualified to advise you.
Other forum members are of course free to post and share their experiences with you.
If you are in the UK, you may also be interested in the latest guidelines from NICE and the BSG ( British society of gastroenterology) that highlight the need for an assessment of liver fibrosis ( stiffening/scarring) in pateints with Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The BSG recommend use of a Fib-4 score blood test or you could discuss having a FibroScan.
Hope that is helpful,
Warm wishes
I am on this ďiet after my liver doçtor told me I needed to lose 3 stone because of fatty liver. I have used this diet in the past ( keto or low carb ) and it worked quickly and well for me though I was not aware I had liver issues then. sorry, my reply can,t be long as my battery's are going but just wanted to respond and happy to talk more later!. I don,t intend to stay on low carb after I,ve lost the weight as veggies ( especially cauliflower, broccoli etc ) are important for are livers. I think your best bet maybe to ask at your Doctors to see a dietician and work with her, or at least check with your doc that they o.k you doing it. As i mentioned I told m
Thanks for this Moonbeam. It looks as if your battery did die! I have eaten a lot of sugary foods for years but no alcohol. So I am adapting to a low carb way of life. A lot of the low carb plans do have items such as cream and cheese in them so I was interested to know whether anyone with liver disease had improved their condition even though they had continued to have these fats in their diet. For every article/ study I read which says fat is ok for liver, I find another which argues strongly against having fat in the diet as it is bad for the liver ☹️So it’s difficult to know who to believe.