Where to start? Well, it was after lunch on Thursday 31st October when I started to feel nauseous. Blamed the leftovers I had eaten and eventually took myself off to bed. Then the vomiting started. Bright red blood and lots of it. It was stop/start till the morning. Got kiddo off to school and called my GP. Get to hospital now, no time for an ambulance. I swiftly packed an overnight bag as if I was on autopilot. Straight through to be assessed. By this time I really wasn’t functioning properly. I was aware that I was going to have a general anaesthetic, a camera down my throat and that my husband was with me. That was about it. Apparently I was pretty out of it for hours. I remember my daughter-in-law visiting in the evening then I crashed out and slept till the morning.
My husband came in on Saturday and I was still not with it. I couldn’t speak properly or make much sense. He checked if I needed anything and went home to get my current medication and my son. The meds (Spironolactone and Thiamine) were taken off me and I was put on UV vitamins, fluids and Omeprazole. I barely scraped in to the position where a transfusion was put on hold.
On Sunday I was sitting up in bed wearing my pretty blue nightdress and tinted moisturiser. Successful packing, I’d say. I had also packed a full wash kit so was fragrant, too! But starting to become aware that my mental faculties were somewhat lacking.Dangerously low blood pressure and Haemoglobin.
Monday. No food as I was to have an ultrasound scan. After the scan two consultants and five junior doctors nodded sagely and agreed that my mental health was so fragile that I would be better off at home.
So here I am. Able to potter round the house, take my medication etc. But not confident in my speech, spelling or grammar. I find this really frustrating. Then I was told I could have died. I had lost one third of the blood in my body. I went in to shock which I am finding hard to deal with.
One day at a time......
Love Deborah