Going to see my specialist on thursday ,but saying that ive seen the nurse for the last nearly three an a half years because i fell off the wagon after 21 months an he washes his hands of me considering he was the one who toldme i had cirrohis in 2012 ,and ive worried myself sick since ,I have stopprd an started during this journey on my own ,my nurse is lovely but iam not getting any proper diagnoises just you look good and your livers a bit on the fatty side bla bla bla then blood tests which my doctor doesnt tell me anything ,so iam fed up and have had a few drinks over christmas and i enjoyed it ,i feel guilty but it is a viscious circle when your on medical proffesionals dont give you the right answers ,that is why i havnt been on the forum for a while as icant getmy head around things i used to be strong but now iam lost till they give me answerson thursday x
THE downsides of drinking: Going to see... - British Liver Trust
THE downsides of drinking

Hi sunflower, first off well done on 21 months of sobriety!
I was so similar to yourself. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis in june 2008. I was very poorly with ascites. Jaundice. Etc. I was drained 3 times and in hospital for 6 weeks . I had withdrawal in hospital but i got through it .had support of Aquarius at the hospital most days. After being sober 3 yrs i fell off the wagon bad time as my das died after caring for him with lung and metastatic brain cancer.
I didnt care .. drink was my crutch , the escapism.. anyway to cut a long story short i waa referred for cbt 3. Times i had counselling as there was an underlying reason as to why i kept falling off the wagon .it took me up to 16months ago to stop completley. The smell of alcohol makes me heave and all craving has gone. Trust me you will get there but you cannot do it on your own . For some it is an easy journey to start with but one point down the line you will pick up again.your dr has a duty of care regardless; you do need some sort of support group and therapy. Trust me it saved my life or i would be dead now. I am in end stage f4 fibrosis with mild hepatic encephalopathy and .mobility issues.
Please seek help; ask your nurse if you dont want to see your gp but please do it now before there is no point of return . Good luck Thursday! And stand your ground hun , i have and still doing it now as if i dont i get nowhere xx
Thankyou so much milli 09 you are a god send I really appreciate your kind words, I will stick to my guns on Thursday and let you know the outcome, thank u millie 09 xx
Please please listen to advice3yrs nearly and yes it's still on me head once in a while but each day you don't drink is adding more time to repair wish I had listened .
Your so very welcome sunflower.
Temptation is hard but that small craving lasts max an hour distract yourself from it. I had a massive row with my neigbour last November i was soooo angry with him i was so very close to picking up but i put on my coat and went for a little walk round Tesco lol .yes it sounds daft but it really did help me . Let me know how you get on xxx
Thankyou millie 09 it's a good job you haven't got my neighbour he would drive to drugs never mind drink he's got is music blasting all day, talks to his kids or should I say shouts the most horrible things to them, I feel like punching is lights out he's a vile piece of shit. Anyway ill keep you posted xx
Have you contacted the council about anti social behaviour, they take it seriously now and won’t tell your nasty neighbor who complained,unless they have your permission to do so. I know moving sounds drastic but if living there is detrimental to your health and well-being, it’s worth thinking about.
Hi there Millie,
I have been very unwell s of late. Alcohol abuser for 10 years plus, but a “functional alcoholic” as I kept it very well hidden. Now losing weight fast, pain in stomach all the time no appetite, and ALT slightly elevated. No jaundice, but anemic. Going for an ultrasound next week.
Am terrified my liver is failing. Did you have signs like this at first?
Also you say you were diagnosed in 2008?? You are doing ok then? That’s 10 years. Did you have a liver transplant? How have you managed to stay well all this time?
Hope you don’t mind the questions...just need some reassurance that I might have a little time left with my family.
God bless you Millie and all of you on this sight suffering with liver issues. Xx
Don’t panic, there’s hope, try eating small amounts with high protein and carbs, when you have protein drink fresh orange juice (this will increase the absorption of iron which will correct your anaemia) let me know what your u/and shows. I’ve got cirrhosis (only treatment is transplant) but I have slowly got myself (taken 7mth) too well for a transplant, which is brilliant
Really? Thank you O138...tell me what we’re your first signs and symptoms? I’m so scared. We’re you??
What kind of treatment did you have initially? We’re you hospitalized? Did you have unexplained wait loss? Just want a diagnosis and to be able to put some weight back on😥
I thought I had a stomach bug to begin, then I got sicker and ended up not able walk, I was so ill I didn’t even realise how bad I was, I was still drinking throughout! I was hospitalised for 3 weeks, they removed 7.5l of ascities and later another 9.5l. It turned out I had decom liver cirrhosis. I lost 30kg. I had no muscle mass, but with physio and a strict diet (I ate from a saucer and by the clock)
But that’s 7mths ago! Now I can walk with my frame, do stairs, and eat a full diner plate of food
Hi hun ,
I was similar to you a functioning alcoholic who was very clever om hiding it . Thing is it all came crashing down in jan 2008.my first symptoms were no appetite, stomach pain , lethargy.. then i noticed my legs were swollen and my stomachs filled with fluid i looked 9 months pregnant.i had an US done where they discovered my cirrhosis.i was still drinking as i was dependant of it. Was in hospital 6 weeks where i was drained 3 times .anyway regards to your diet ,firs of all we are all different, i wanted to eat but i just couldn't..i was bleeding from my backside constantly.
I have done my best to remain abstinent from alcohol and have a low salt diet . There are two ways for eating for the care of your liver. One is to eat to high protein lots of fresh veg , this is to help the liver repair aa much as it can..the other diet is to feed it , to help keep. It working. I am now end stage f4 fibrosis with mild hepatic encephalopathy plus i have mobility issues . All i will suggest is to take on board what the liver drs to.you. it is not easy trust me but i would not swap what i have now .
Good luck! Let us know how yii bet on xx
Thank you Millie,
Are you now on a transplant list then? I hope and pray you are ❤️
Hi Millie
Just lying here wide awake 3 am again. Legs on fire but no fever or swelling yet. Heart rate up. I’m panicking on the inside but trying to give an appearance of nothing on the outside. My hubby and three adult kids are having a tough time understanding or admitting anything is seriously wrong. Hubby won’t let me express my fears until we have a for sure diagnosis but I just know my body! just wish I didn’t have to wait till next week for the u/s because I think symptoms will be worse and maybe more difficult to manage in the hospital once I finally get there....
Please tell me what to do.
Read my posts it drives me insane there saying the same it might help you but my posts are hard to follow I'm seeing dr 25th I'm not leaving until I no as I'm feeling quite ill and no point going dr or a/e as there turning people away most days three years no drink I was told i would not be able to drink as I was on one litre vodka day years and more if I drunk again they said I was lucky I never carried on but still in dark so I no please God this wee kI do understand
It's very lonely inside I no
Hi faithful. 3 years no drink is bloody great!! Well done you .you should be so proud. No one in the medical field has the right to judge you, we all have our issues and reasons why etc.. grab the bull by the horns on thursday just as i will and get all the answers you want .even get them to write it down for you . Let me know how you get on ..and remember .. you are not alone xxx
I keep going to put cheers every time on here it ain't first time. Thanks and don't forget if you feel ok 25th let me no how u are if I feel any worse I'm going to have see a/e today as I done half bottle lactaloze and I never take that much the thing is every single bone joint is in pain belly bloated and liver pain and enearly every symptom but I having trouble I feel I get food nicked I me pipes and it hurts but they send you home if u ain't yellow
joint back
Hiya faithful I hope you get your answers aswell it is a worrying time I know I've only got myself to blame but I wish my specialist could give me proper answers as iam in the dark and feeling really down at the moment. But I wish you good luck too il keep in touch x
Your dr has to give you your results if you ask. Ask for a print out of them (your blood =your results,so you are the one with ownership, not the dr or hospital) put into google “Nice Guide lines for access to test results “ your dr has to follow those, if you still get no where speak to the practice manager!
You need support, so find your local drug and alcohol service, mine (in Norfolk) is brilliant! These services usually have drop in, so you don’t need referral from GP! AA doesn’t suit everyone, there of plenty of others. I never went to AA because it didn’t help anyone I know.
The BLT has a good, informative website. Don’t put any more pressure on yourself, well done you’v Taken first big step, this is a great site and all the people are very supportive and helpful.
Good Luck, let me know how you get on (I found it very empowering to get my results- Word of Warning, make sure you always put NHS before you ask google a question!! Otherwise you can end up reading rubbish and sometimes dangerous information.
Try your best and get the guilt away by loving yourself and telling yourself your worth it because we are. You are. Guilt is the worst thing and can destroy us. Be kind to yourself and do something that you enjoy whatever that may be. Remember you have a right to be happy. I hope u get your doctor results sorted out. I was sobre a good while and fell off and enjoyed it cuz it's natural to enjoy it. I wish u all the love in the world. We have all made mistakes and we have recognised it. Don't feel guilty please.
Thankyou so much Cara 78 your kind words mean so much ,ill most probably get the third degree from my nurse tomorro but iam there for answers as to what is the state of my liver damage ,i feel nervous but i know my mum and dad will be watching over me i will keep you posted xx
Thanks for your reply! U are only human and don't beat yourself up. My liver is damaged too but I take bull by horns in if I drink I make sure I get vitamin b +c down my neck along with Cod liver oil. Make sure u are hydrated aswell and maybe take salt sachets if u have been drinking. I take brewers yeast tablets when I'm on it! Take care xxx😊
Hiya to millie 09 and everyone else who has replied to the downside of drinking, seen my specialist doctor today the first time in over three years I usually see one of his team who haven't told me that much to be honest. So I asked him what exactly is my condition as I was told in 2012 it was cirrhosis then last year the understudy told me it was fatty liver an my fibro scan of 6.8 was good. So he told me that in 2012 it was suspected cirrhosis, different than being told it was back then, I have got liver damage due to alcohol abuse and he was measuring on his desk telling me it was at the moderate state at the moment not at the chirroctic state yet but was no happy with me having a drink over Christmas an told me I need to lose weight, I have asked him for a print out of my diagnostic state which he tod even he would send me a letter to my gp an myself, then told me very bluntly that 52 is young to have liver damage, then sent me for bloods which I hate as I have a needle phobia but the nurse didn't seem to mind jabbing the needle in so hard I was reduced to tears it was a build up of everything today, so iam still no better off. Xx
Hi sunflower; hope you are ok ? Your fibro result was good. Mine is 27 😏. That was last feb. 10 yrs now with cirrhosis and now this bloody bone sclerosis and two prolapsed discs middle to lower back. In pain all day today with liver pain. Not had this in 5 years.. keep falling asleep and not knowing anything about it untill i wake up half an hour later or so .. getting me down a little now . Keep me posted hun xx
Sorry to hear that millie, like I said the specialist was not any help I mentioned I was on this forum and he didn't seem happy but I get more answers and knowledge from this group than by a jumped little sqrt that hasn't even seen me for more than three years just been passing the book. I will say a little prayer for you tonight Anita hope your pain eases I writing this listening to top of the pops 2 with bonnie Tyler singing it's a heart ache, stay strong millie 09 xx
Firstly I'd like to say well done to all of you who have managed kick the evil that is alcohol. I am the widow of an alcoholic and would like to say to all of you trying to kick the habit, that no matter how hard it is to do, it is far easier than continuing to drink and facing the enviable slow, painful, undignified death which I and my children at the time had to witness. The last 16 days of his life at the age of just 54 were spent in intensive care on dialysis due to kidney failure. His liver was pickled and had failed. His hair was like a brillo pad. His skin from head to foot and whites of his eyes were yellow. He had tubes running in and out of his neck and every time he opened his mouth to speak I had to mop up blood running down his chin. Because all his organs had failed his body couldn't fight infection and he developed broncho pneumonia and was on oxygen. He looked more like an 84 year old than 64. On day 16 I was told he didn't have long to live and we ( myself and the amazing medical team) all decided the kindest thing to do was to top up his morphine and let him go. It's the worst thing I have every had to witness and then to have to leave the intensive care unit , go home and tell my 2 children who were 11 and 17 at the time that their Dad had died was utterly devastating. We got through it all together and I now have a wonderful new husband who only drinks ribena and milk ! But 8 years on my son has had to have a bereavement councelling session and is dealing with it all better now and neither of my children drink. Alcohol .....It doesn't solve problems ..it creates them and not only for the alcoholic but more so for the whole family. So please please please get 1 to 1 councelling and all the other help that's available for your addiction before its too late for you, and your families who go through the hell that we have.