Hi, I am new on this forum, my husband was diagnosed with cirrhosis over 12 years ago now, he is on medication daily and is monitored regularly, just recently we have been referred to Leeds hospital liver team and they have said my husband condition is stable and to be reviewed every 3 months and possibility of a liver transplant in the future, he had bloods done in December and the consultant has now wrote to us to say all his liver function tests overall are stable however his albumin levels have dropped they have requested a heart scan and now think because of his albumin levels have dropped they should proceed to a formal liver transplant assessment. As you can imagine this happened quickly and feels really scary as we have no understanding of what albumin does and reading on the internet just scares me and overwhelms me as I do not understand it all, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience of cirrhosis and a drop in albumin levels and what happened, just feeling in the dark and like it is all very daunting, any help would be greatly appreciated x
Cirrhosis of the liver drop in albumin... - British Liver Trust
Cirrhosis of the liver drop in albumin levels

You are in good hands at Leeds. When they told you about him needing a heart scan did you ask them the question you are asking now? Is there a nurse practitioner at Leeds who you ask by phone or email?
Hi thanks for your reply I haven't asked these questions because it is only by a letter yesterday from the consultant after getting his blood results back I think that's why it feels so scary seeing it in black and white and not speaking to anyone about it. I've just typed and posted a letter to the consultant at Leeds see if they can explain things to us
I agree with Bolly that you are in excellent hands in Leeds. You have done the right thing being in contact with the team at the liver unit and I am sure they will be quick to respond.
If you cant get the information you need, I suggest looking into natcells.They are very expensive and apparently 2 a day is needed. youtube.com/watch?v=GYTM1Yb... this video should help to get an idea on albulins.Best of luck.Focus on the outcome you want, you'll be smiling.
I don't understand what these are either please can you advise and how if anyway they will help my husband thanks
I would ignore Angel4U's post chezza. You need to have faith in the doctors, they will make the best decisions based on what they know of your husbands health, whereas Angel4U doesnt seem to have read your first post properly.
Re the albumin drop, has your husband had an ascites drain at all recently, as that may lower albumin levels if its not replaced during the drain.
Hi chezza, If the reason for cirrhosis is bud chiari syndrome than it is quite possible that the blood flow to the heart is insufficent of less, and in such situation heart scan is suggested to check the performance of heart. Dropping albumin levels leads to ascites and then edema and over the years transplant may required.
Thanks for this info cause of cirrhosis they are not sure why could be genetic just feels so scary when they talk about transplant and i'm really struggling to understand it all. As they say all his liver blood results remain stable it's now his albumin level that's dropped.
I know how you feel love it was all new to me when I found out certain things about his health but they was really no one there to explain what was happen but since we been to leeds we learnt more about it than we did at my local Hospital love.
If u need to chat am here love cos that's just what I was like an still
Falling albumin levels means the liver's synthetic ability to manufacture proteins is deteriorating. The liver is failing and the dropping albumin levels indicates long standing serious liver injury.I may be wrong but it appears liver transplant some time in the future.i wish you the best.
In Cirrhosis serum albumin gradually falls because the damaged liver can't produce requisite albumin like normal liver.you can take 2 eggs daily,not yolk of the egg along with other protein containing foods and repeat blood work after 2 month.I hope albumin level will go up.
I agree falling albumin can be confusing. When Dad was in the hospital a nurse told us his albumin had fallen and we asked what it meant and she said that he had been starving. My Dad is 50 pound overweight (or more) we all looked at each other and someone said what we were all thinking: WHAT??? that seems so unlikely. Later we asked the dr. and he said the nurse had said the wrong thing. Thank you. In my Dad's case, the dr. said he was not getting enough protein because his kidneys are not functioning well. Ask the doctor exactly what it means in your husband's situation. Apparently, it means different things according to the patient's situation. Best wishes.