Im sorry in advance for the long post. I've been reading all the posts here related to liver pain and alcohol and was hoping if I could get some feedback on my situation. I'm a 31 year old male, 6 foot 2, 200lbs and exercise 2-3 times a week. and have been experiencing a very dull ache and a feeling a fullness (almost like someone blowing up a balloon) in my upper right hand area of the abdomen and especially my back for the past year and a half. I would consider myself a moderate to heavy drinker, drinking anywhere from 200ml to 400ml of vodka 5-6 days a week.
The pain first happened when I was vacationing with my wife in Cuba, and I suddenly woke up to my liver area feeling very tender. It would hurt when I pressed it, the pain being relatively dull but noticeable (about a 6 out of 10). The pain at this point did not radiate to my back and was fairly localized. I kept the drinking to a minimum the rest of the vacation, only having 1-2 beers a day thinking that it was a digestive issue.
5 days later after I arrived back home in Canada and went to the hospital to get checked out. The doctor ran a blood test and gave me an x ray (xray not sure why). The results came back normal. I went back to my regular routine of drinking thinking the pain was muscular or digestive. Weeks went by and the pain didn't subside, therefore I had an ultrasound which came out normal as well. I pushed my GP for a CT scan which also came back normal. My GP assured me I was fine and i used this as an excuse to continue drinking (I'm an idiot).
The pain slowly started to move, from the front of my body, to now in my back which is where 90% of it is felt. My GP referred me to a gastroenterologist, who gave me an endoscopy of my stomach. It came back normal. I was also given a fibroscan which came back at a reading of 6.0 which I was told is also normal. A few months ago I read an article on liver cancer which totally freaked me out, and I went back to my GP who did another ultrasound and ran blood test and told me everything looked normal on the ultrasound and blood test (AST ALT BILIRUBIN).
Again like an idiot I used this as an excuse to continue drinking. About 3 weeks ago, I had a lightbulb go off in my head and decided to stop drinking all together. The longest I have gone was 4 days without a drink. I am now 3 weeks and intend to stay sober for at least 6 months. The craving to drink has entirely vanished. The feeling of fullness, and the dull ache in my right armpit, and under my ribs on my right side is still there and hasn't gotten better. I'm trying to exercise more and eat healthier. My main questions are,
Is it normal for upper right hand pain to travel? From front, to side, to back over the course or months?
Also, considering I drank 200ml-400ml of vodka 5-6 days a week for the past 9 years, how long would I need to abstain from alcohol to start feeling better? A rough estimation.
And also, I've done an X ray, 3 ultrasounds, a ct scan, a fibroscan, an endoscopy and 3 blood tests all showing normal in the past year and a half. Is there anything else I can do? (GP says waiting list for MRI is over a year for my concern).
Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much everybody!