Hi everyone,
There have been a few posts lately about people suffering with pain that they believe is their liver but their tests results come back as normal.
I have been suffering with this on and off for years and have blamed it on everything I could but knew deep down that it was being caused by alcohol. I got myself into a real state and became anxious and worried - very much like the spiral that others have been talking about.
As a result I stopped drinking and changed my life and lifestyle. I started exercising a lot, ate healthy food, slept more and reduced stress levels.
Today, after probably 8-9 months is the first day that I haven’t felt the pain in the area! 🥳
I truly believe that the changes I have made have given my liver some time to begin repairing itself. I am sure there is still a way to go but it is now back to a state where it is less damaged. There are a few things that I have learnt on this journey that I really want to share...
1) Doctors generally know what they are talking about. Of course mistakes are very occasional made but they do know what to look for and do act accordingly
2) There are a lot of unknowns of the human body. Whilst tests may indicate everything is ok it doesn’t mean it things can’t hurt or ache and warn you of damage
3) If you want to quit alcohol you need to replace the time you spent drinking with other activity. I chose the gym but it could be anything - there does need to be something though
4) You will find out who your real friends are once you quit booze. Some will (unbelievably) react badly to your choice
5) I believe that if I had carried on drinking at the rate that I was (a few everyday and more Friday to Sunday) I would have ended up very ill. This process has served as a stark warning
6) Finally, there are some amazing people around. I cannot believe the kindness I found on here (even when I wasn’t the easiest or nicest person to deal with). Some of the people are almost super heroes - dealing with their own issues and those of their families whilst making time to guide, help and advise complete strangers. Epic!
I hope someone will find something from the above helpful in the future.