I just wanted to update those who were so kind to reply to my initial post. I received the results of my ultrasound today. Mild fatty liver. It's been a tough few weeks and your reassuring words meant a lot to me. This is a wake up call for me. I may have dodged a bullet, or maybe I was never in any real danger, but my anxiety was partly fueled by my knowledge that at least for myself, I drink too much. I'm not going to die on my kids because of a selfish addiction. Time to cut out the beer. Day 1 of sobriety starts tomorrow for me...yes, I am having a beer or two today to calm my nerves. Tomorrow starts a change for me.
Update: I just wanted to update those... - British Liver Trust

Good news and glad it’s a wake up call for you make an important change.
Btw, beer doesn’t calm your nerves! #justsaying 😊
It does in the moment. It's just like a benzo. It will cause more anxiety tomorrow. But like I said, tomorrow is day one!
That’s good news, scary times I know. The good thing to come out of it is that you will be more aware now of what you eat and drink and the problems it can cause. I hope you can get on and have a healthy, happy future with your family 🌻
Thank you for the honesty in your update and I wish you every success with your decision and the benefits you will bring to your health and family.
Stopping the alcohol will be a start to reduce the anxiety and please discuss the issues further with your GP, they will signpost you to the required support.
Best wishes,
Get your Drs help with giving up alcohol.
They can advise on support groups.
You can also self refer to Addaction or CGT for brilliant ongoing help.
Your 10 times more likely to quit if you use them and after the first visit you will realise therapy and "help" is not just for full blown sick alcoholics.
Personally I kept up the "have a few today and give up tomorrow" game for over 10 years.
With support I am now 800 days sober.
Wishing you the best.