My friends' LFT is normal. Ferritin has been elevated for the past 5 years and GP is sending me to Hematology.
I QUIT beer today and Test is 2 months away. I always for the past 5 years of test dont drink for 1 week before tests and is that why my LFT is normal? 5 years I drank 8-9 cans of beer a day 3-4 times a week mostly 3 times a week.
But for 1 week dont drink and do the test and every time LFT normal. This is for the past 5 years about 8 tests. But rest of the times 6 months to 1 year between the test I drink 8-9 cans a night 3 times a week. Rarely 4 times.
I was sent to the Hemetaology once and they asked me if I will do a Biopsy and I said NO. Dont know why I went there.
BUT WANT a good picture of Liver health with a scan or something TO HELP QUITTING.
CAN I ASK FOR ONE? Can they FORCE me to be admitted or locked up to receive alcoholic recovery treatment? I am highly functional with 0 symptoms, fit and look healthy.
Should I ask at the Hemetology or what should I ask my GP if any.