It is my birthday today, ripe old age of 41.
Been the worst birthday ever and probably up there as the worst day of the year.
All these health concerns and hospital visits have really got the better of me. Normally I would have taken the family out for a meal to celebrate but didn’t fancy it today as I would probably want a beer but have avoided alcohol for months and didn’t want to risk it.
So instead they had a takeaway and I had a bagel.
Didn’t even open my cards or presents as it felt like too much effort and I had absolutely zero motivation.
I am desperate to find the cause of my RUQ pain and spent most of the day exploring chronic pancreatitis websites wondering whether that could be the root cause. Sounds like it could be.
Feeling really down and thinking how my lot would probably be better off without me and my constant worries. Can’t see an end to all this if I’m honest.
In parallel to my normal symptoms I have been feeling super nauseous for a few days and a pain in my left shoulder blade seems to have returned with a vengeance.
Really hope tomorrow is better