Hi all , I’ve just been told I have a severely fatty liver , I had a Fibroscan and results were no scarring but a really high score of 391 , I used to be an alcoholic over 7 years ago , I completely stopped all alcohol until this year when I suffered from post natal depression , I’m just wondering how come some people have a low cap score but still have fibrosis and some people have a really high cap score but no fibrosis ? Is this possible ?
Fibroscan results : Hi all , I’ve just... - British Liver Trust
Fibroscan results

CAP score is a measure of the fat build up in the liver, this is different from kPa which is fibrosis. To actually learn about fatty liver and how it can become fibrosis you could watch a video which is on You Tube youtube.com/watch?v=PUQFQVm... - some of it is a bit scientific but it does go through the changes (in simple picture form) and explains the process.
Ok the video is about NAFLD but its the same process in alcohol related only you have the addition of alcohol which is also a damaging factor in the liver.
Thank you for your answer ! It’s hard to work out if mine is alcohol related or nafld, as I was a heavy drinker and completely gave up over 7 years ago , I had a baby 10 months ago and was bed bound for a good 7 months and my diet consisted of a lot of sugary foods , pure orange juice , a lot of iron tablets as I was anemic and a lot of white bread , I started drinking again a few months ago albeit a couple of bottles a week , due to postnatal depression , I then developed health anxiety and had a ultrasound that picked up fatty liver , I then had a Fibroscan , two months after I started drinking that showed a score of 4 and for the cap score was 391 ! So I’m not sure if my fatty liver is down to alcohol 7 years ago and me starting to drink again or my poor diet in pregnancy , either way I need to change my diet drastically and complete abstain from alcohol , which is proving quite difficult especially after a long week at work , I love nothing more than to sit down with a glass of wine ! Sorry for long rambling message !
Hi Dawn, Mine was picked up after 2 years of sitting on a sofa all day doing no exercise and eating all the wrong foods. Once I started eating healthily and exercising everything improved. Good luck and let us know how you get on! Owlie
Thank you for your response ! I’ve started eating healthily , I’ve lost 10lbs and have another 30 to lose ,I’m going to London to have another Fibroscan in the summer and hopefully my fatty liver might have gone down ! Fingers crossed 🤞 do you drink any alcohol or have you completely stopped ?