Hi every one this is all still very new to me I’ve been diagnosed within AIH / pbc cirrhosis. 3 weeks ago I went to see my specialist I told him I had been passing blood. Well I got the all clear and 2 days after my procedure I got cold like sinuses 3 days into the cold I was coughing up lots of blood. I took myself to A&e and was in hospital for 5 days on a respiratory ward were 2 other people were critical I was on oxygen and very strong antibiotics and my steroids was upped. On the Saturday morning I was Taken off the oxygen and told I could go home I was still coughing up blood. I had X-ray - mri - ct scans plus bloods. And been told it’s inconclusive they don’t know why. I even ended back in A&e on the Tuesday due to coughing up blood. Been put on blood clotting pills. This has been traumatic I was scared to lay down to sleep incase I chocked on my own blood. I don’t fill I have any support with this my doctor was nasty I lost a lot of blood the whole experience has scared me I had nurses walking pass me.
Coughing up blood : Hi every one this is... - British Liver Trust
Coughing up blood

Have you had an endoscopy to make sure you don't have any varices?
I had one last year but no they didn’t do one this time. I’m told to wait 5-6 weeks for a follow up appointment.
I’ve never been so ill since I’ve been on steroids and the other meds and I fill so alone with it most of the doctors or nurse didn’t have a clue to what AIH/pbc. The doctors I see first of all asked how long has it been since my last drink I explained I don’t drink and she replied ok so how have you got liver cirrhosis
Seems odd when you are passing blood and bringing it up with a known diagnosis of liver illness that you are being told to wait. IF this blood is coming from burst varices it is potentially life threatening. If you continue to pass blood or see any sign of vomitting blood go to A&E. My hubby was passing blood for a time (which he ignored) then vomitted a huge amount of fresh and coffee granule like blood and that is what brought to light his liver disease - he had 7 burst varices which were discovered by endoscopy following an emergency admittance to hospital and we've subsequently been told how close he came to the end with the amount of blood loss.
Don't mess about with it, if you continue to loose blood go to A&E and make sure they know you have a pre-existing liver condition - this needs sorting.
All the best, Katie
p.s. my hubby is t-total for life and his cirrhosis is due to auto-immune hepatitis.
Thank you so much Katie xxx
Just wanted to point out that coughing up blood and vomiting blood may well be two completely different symptoms. I think more investigations are needed before a proper diagnosis can be made.

Agreed Richard but by the fact Sharon is also passing blood with a diagnosis of cirrhosis you'd have thought they would investigate the oesophagus incase this is a source of the bleeding.
Got it, sorry for any mis-understand Katie
Bless you that's frightening .
I had nurses standing away from me like I was a zombie I was so scared but had to try and hide it as I had my teen daughter my niece and my husband was with me. I was waiting in minors for 4 hours and majors for another 4 hours it was only when it started pumping out of me. I got put in a wheel chair.