I am spitting up blood, not coughing it up or vomiting. It’s everyday. It’s mixed in with saliva so I don’t know where it’s coming from. It’s a few teaspoons each time at most sometimes more than once a day. After about 5 spits it’s gone or if I rinse my mouth out. Went to primary doc and dentist and both said it wasn’t anything from my mouth. Could this be bleeding varices?? They suggested going to an ent. Endoscopy was clear with signs of gastritis. This has been going on for 2 months now. I can’t get into an ent or Gastro for a month. Endoscopy was last October.
why am I spitting blood?: I am spitting... - British Liver Trust
why am I spitting blood?

Any sinus pain, blocked sinuses or hayfever? Could be post nasal drip which is very common overnight.
could be from your sinus/nose as it’s common to bleed from their if you have liver issues
thanks for your reply! I’m not getting nose bleeds but sometimes the blood when I spit it out is on my tongue. This is a sign of liver issues? Just worried that it was bleeding varices.
it can be dripping down the back of your nose into your mouth. Is it worth after lying down a bit? It can theoretically be any mucosal membrane And there’s lots about in the head, including the mouth.
When I was decompensated I had exactly the same. Mine was coming from my gums as my blood wasn't clotting at all- also incredibly heavy periods. But these cleared up slowly as I started to become compensated. When I was admitted last year, I had dribbled When I slept and the pillow was blood stained. If I cut myself it would bleed like mad, and after a drip was removed it was bleeding profusely. A decompensated liver affects your blood clotting, in my case it was quite bad but its back to normal now, after a year of sobriety and medication. Hope this helps, but it is only my experience, I'm not medically trained
can I add that is like my experience too - similar trajectory of bleeding with stained bedclothes etc that worsened (really horribly) when I became decompensated that has since got better . Interesting it sometimes reappears when I fee generally unwell, but milder and only for a day or two at a time.
Hope things resolve for you
Before diagnosis I woke up daily with brown spit and stained pillows.Dentist advised all sorts of expensive private treatment that sounded painfull😳.
Being a chicken I declined his advice.
Bleeding gums resolved a couple of months after being diagnosed with cirrhosis and quiting booze.
From your previous post a year ago you mentioned that you were struggling to stop drinking alcohol due to your husband buying more alcohol and encouraging you to drink, did you finally manage to stop if you don't mind me asking?
Probably bleeding gums due to low platelets. Had it for about 10-15 plus years.
I appreciate all your comments!! I have seen my dentist and she said it was definitely not coming from my gums or mouth. I go to ENt tomorrow.