Have pain under ribs. Diagnosed with fatty liver and enlarged liver. Have cut back drinking but pain won't go away. Also overweight and have lost 15lbs in 3 months. Would do well exercising and healthy diet for 6-7 days then think I will be fine to drink beer. But can't stop until intoxicated and next day pain comes back and lasts for several days with higher intensity. Could I have liver damage from inflammation? My MRI in Nov showed no sign of chirrosis. My enzymes were slightly elevated and triglycerides were 250. I am going one day at a time and attending celebrate recovery one a week. And planning on going back to AA. I need help because I cannot stop on my own.
Fatty liver and enlarged liver - British Liver Trust
Fatty liver and enlarged liver

Also have been doing some supplements from lots of research.
Good idea going back to AA golfer. I'm in the same boat, everything in my mind telling me to "just have one or two" but I know my disease won't allow me to do that. So best not to have one at all. Life's always better without it anyways.
Take it from me fatty liver and associated pain won’t go away if you continue to binge drink especially if you’re overweight as well. Well done on losing the weight so far. You need to stay dry my friend and the longer you do the better you’ll feel.
Thanks for your comments and advice. I'm taking it one minute, one hour, one day at a time. I seem to do ok for 5 or six days but then I forget for the 1000th time why I DON'T want to drink. I start to feel better and I start to look for ways to justify drinking when I know I cannot. I'm an alcoholic and cannot drink! But my mind keeps saying just wait 3 months and then it will heal so I can drink but I don't want to do that either! I'm a compulsive gambler also and just love to drink and gamble at the same time! The two together are so powerful it's like that's all I want to do!?! But another sober day and another small victory! Thanks again everyone for your postings!