Hello i have been diagnosed with fatty liver by doing an ultrasound, but I'm having pain on my right side under my ribs when I lay on my back or sleep on my right side
Fatty liver: Hello i have been diagnosed... - British Liver Trust
Fatty liver
Technically there is no such thing as liver pain as the liver itself has no pain receptors, however, if your liver is particularly enlarged due to fatty deposits or inflammation it can stretch the glisson's capsule which surrounds the liver and this can be painful. The enlarged liver can also press on other neighbouring organs causing discomfort.
Tackling your fatty liver is imperative but if this pain persists it would be worth getting a check up with your doctor as there is always the potential this has zero to do with your liver at all.
Thank you for the answer
If you haven't been given tips on how to tackle fatty liver by your medical team there is a very good downloadable publication on British Liver Trust website. britishlivertrust.org.uk/do...
This is guidance for Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease - the same guidance stands for fatty liver in relation to alcohol related liver disease with the additional instruction to cut out alcohol.
Hi Nesta 22, I have the exact same thing! I was diagnosed with NAFLD by scans, but have never actually seen a consultant. I do wonder if someone actually prodded and poked me, I would find out if my Liver is inflamed (it feels like it!). All very new to this.
I have fatty liver and although they say it's a condition that doesn't usually cause you to feel pain in the area I don't find that to be true as I experience this, as well as light coloured stool. Infact with my symtoms I truly believed I had more serious damage like scarring/ chirrosis I have had Ct scans and loads of bloods.. and they assure me it's just fatty liver.
Light coloured stools can indicate gall bladder issues (in case it helps to know!)
Thank you I might look into this as I was wondering the same thing but just thought instantly something bad liver wise. Funny you mention this as my liver numbers have actually improved alot with my lifestyle changes however stools have not.
In saying this though besides the occasional stitch in right side, when i was diagnosed I was more feeling pain in the left hand upper side. They were thinking pancreas, but apparently that's OK aswell. Much to my surprise after my past drinking habits over the years. Definitely wake up call for me though!
hello there , yes I know the pain your feeling and the worry that comes with it ,, back in 2016 I had the same , no answers from doctors just ultrasounds confirming fatty liver and advised no treatment by medicine only life style change .
Anyway after 2 years of completely different diet and exercise the pain finally subsided.
Think I brought the book “ the fatty liver diet guide “ which basically explains which foods are best and which to avoid .
It does take a while to rectify but with persistence you can become better ,, however allow a few years a good set of scales and be prepared to eat differently,, a lot of green leafy vegetables and lots of black coffee .
Good luck
Hallo nesta,wurde ein fibroscan bei ihnen durchgefuehrt, wenn ja wie ist das ergebnis?
Bei mir wurde nach jahrelangem trinken auch nur eine fettleber festgestellt.fibroscan 6.1 kpa
Alle blutwerte normal, obwohl ich koerperliche hautzeichen der zirrose habe schliessen sie dies aus.hellen stuhl habe ich auch