I have a huge fatty liver In me. Comes down and almost touches my pelvic bone and pushes against my stomach and down and over on all other abdominal organs and bowels. Been alcoholic my whole life. Heavy, heavy drinker. Could outdrink anyone and proved it daily. Passing for it now. No fluid in abdomen just a HUGE liver. No bad hepatic enzymes or any real pain. just slightly. Swollen feeling in abdomen. Had 2 ct scans, colonoscopy, egd, ultra sound, gastric emptying test, had gallbladder removed that was stuck to my transverse colon, various blood tests. All came back good except for huge fatty liver. No tumors, no cancer, no anything. Just a huge fatty liver. Been alcohol free for about 6 months now, still have it according to feeling in abdomen. Been told it could take years to get all the fat out and go down in size. Didn't get that way in a day, won't go down soon either.
Diffusely fatty liver, grossly enlarged - British Liver Trust
Diffusely fatty liver, grossly enlarged

Hi Richard! Good that your not drinking anymore. Try and stick to a diet with less fat and drink lemon water. It's great you have no serious illness. I'm not a professional yet but I'm sure you can reverse this by a healthy lifestyle. If you smoke try and move onto e cigs.
I wish you well
Hi. Yes well done on giving up the drink. I have non alcoholic fatty liver. Diagnosed 10 years ago when I was 40. I was never a big drinker and don’t now. A lot of it is diet (which I still struggle with). Speak to your doctor or a dietician because it is all very confusing. There are good fats you should have like nuts and oily fish but s major issue is carbs. If you eat a lot of carbs - bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits etc - and then don’t use up the energy they provide, then they are stored as far. Most of us eat far too many carbs. Try a low carb diet. I recently got my son to try and he’s lost over a stone in a month. Lots of things you don’t suspect have carbs in them so check anything you buy. Good luck. It’s not easy but as long as you keep yourself healthy and regular checks there’s no reason that your fatty liver will worsen and hopefully it will get better. I take medication and my ALT Reading is around 80 which is still abnormal (normal between 5-40 although some sat 50) but when first diagnosed it was in the 200s! Ask your doctor for your ALT results and that will show how well you’re doing. Good luck.
I pretty much eat exactly what I should, weight train, ride bike and walk daily. Have been for past six months. Lol I wad told besides diet, which is very important, the main thing is to stay away from alcohol and fructose. I've heard fructose or high fructose corn syrup in anything can be as bad as drinking alcohol. Anyway, I try and not do anything i shouldn't do. Food wise or other. Lol thanks for the response.