Hi, I am concerned about my severe fatty liver. A little quick history, I was on prednisone for 13 months for treating Giant Cell Arteritis. When I was reducing my dosage to ween off of prednisone I needed to also take methotrexate for the last five months. It was suppose to help making the reductions easier and prevent a possible reoccurrence of it coming back. Skip to this May 2017, I started to have a lot of aching and tenderness in my upper right quadrant, over the next couple of days, it was getting more intense, so went to the emergency. They did blood test which showed my ast was high and my alt. They then ordered an ultrasound and it showed severe fatty infiltration and my liver was enlatged. So was sent to liver specialist which did absolutely nothing except to say lose some weight. The pain is starting to get worse again, constant ache, nausea,skin rashes, itching, and very tired. My question is could it be advancing to fibrosis of the liver or cirrhosis? I don’t drink at all. Sorry for the long post.
Concerned about stage of enlarged, sev... - British Liver Trust
Concerned about stage of enlarged, severe fatty liver

Wouldnt it be a good idea to see a doctor again? Worrying whats going on without knowing is awful, do go and tell them how youre feeling. Take someone for moral support.
Hope you get more support and info this time

Hi and thank so much for responding. I have seen a doctor today, they said I had a kidney infection, bladder infection and something called strep B bacteria. On antibiotics now, so hopefully will help. Still fighting to get a repeat ultrasound or Ct scan on liver or not that I want one, but a liver biopsy. It’s like they told me in May of this year when I went to emergency, oh your liver is enlarged, ultrasound shows severe fatty liver infiltration hmmmm oh well. lol
Oh bless you, no wonder you felt bad with bladder and kidney infections! Isnt strep B the one that causes bad sore throats? I have read of a link between sore throats and kidney infections....
Good luck getting your scans or what you need. Answers make ALL the difference! Be strong!

Absolutely that’s what I want just to know where I stand with regards to my liver. I thought strep b was the same as strep throat too, apparently it is a different group strep throat is A and B is more to do with your gut area.
Have you been diagnosed with Non Alcohol related fatty liver? If so, you may find our publication useful to read;
It may be a good idea to request another appointment with your liver specialist and get some clarification regarding diagnosis and discuss your pain and other symptoms. It may be that you need further investigations.
With very best wishes,

Thank you for sending a link on more about NAFLD I think I am going to try and see a different specialist. The one I seen did absolutely nothing even with E charts from the hospital showing raised AST and ALT and ultrasound with write up stating liver enlarged to 17 cm and sever fat infiltration.
Try and get a fibroscan, it will tell you how your liver fibers are doing ave how much of anything else is wrong