First day.: I am not touched alcohol... - British Liver Trust

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First day.

Menace profile image
58 Replies

I am not touched alcohol since the 6th June 2017.That's good 4 me as since I was 16yrs 24hrs did not go by without me drinking.I'm now 49yrs and 24 of those av been spent in jail alcohol being the cause of poor decisions.i'm in a safe place at the moment which is a kind of rehab and I know that one day I will av to move on to yet another address I hope I'm strong to keep away from the booze wen dat time comes along most of all I really do hope I'm feeling better instead of no appetite,tired,weak and no sex drive.i want to feel better again.Does anyone know anything that may help me to feel better? Every little will help,thanks.

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Menace profile image
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58 Replies
Miche49uk profile image

Hi Menace,

It sounds like you've certainly been through a lot. Are you getting support to work through the causes behind your use of alcohol?

Are you in the US? I ask as you say jail not prison..

Im really glad you're in a safe place, hold onto that. I'm 49 too, female and have intermittently drunk alcohol when overwhelmed and I know my history led to the alcohol use, it got less over the years but it was like a punishment of the worst kind at other times and eventually in January my body said nope! Can't cope with this. I had alcohol related Hepatitis and have been lucky I hope and not drunk since then but I do feel it's the support afterwards that makes the difference.

Are you under a doctor/consultant now? Have you had tests to see if there's any damage? You've removed alcohol which is a fantastic achievement after so long so well done on that.. you are worth it!

We all make choices and some have negative consequences, that doesn't make you a 'bad person' .

Take good care and know you aren't alone here.

Michelle x

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

The reason I used the title "first day" was it was the day that I was told I had cirrhosis. I probably will never touch alcohol ever again now I know that. I go for a ultra sound on Monday to see if my other organs are OK. I'm from Sheffield England I use many different ways of pronunciation because I av lived with people for many years from all over the world in one institution or another. I m hoping that I will be told everything will be OK just as long as I stay sober cause the light about life as just started to flicker and I hope I am around long enough to see it get brighter. Have a good night.🤗

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

I hope so too Menace and I'm sorry about your diagnosis. I remember going to Sheffield as a child as my nan had friends there, there was a shopping centre they called the hole in the floor or something like that, all a bit sketchy now! Your light is already shining through, I hope your ultrasound is ok, keep us posted eh..

I care.

Michelle xx

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Menace

Been booted out of rehab and cause I've started to drink again and I feel shocking

mauschen profile image

Hi Menice, by the sounds of things your doing great, you have made a plan after evaluating your past and that's a big step forward. Do you have a support worker?

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

Thanks for replying.i have cirrhosis I was told a few days ago.i av a ultra sound on Monday to see if my other organs are OK.its made me feel more determined not to touch booze ever again I'm hoping that things will be normal if I remain abstinent if not I don't know what I'm gonna do?nim from Sheffield England.🤔

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Menace

I'm from Sheffield England

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Just to say good luck tomorrow Menace

Michelle xx

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Thank you.

mauschen profile image

Try sheffieldalcoholsupportserv...

You've already taken the first steps, keep going, you don't want the Cirrhosis to get any worse.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

I didn't think it could get any worse.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

One step at a time Menace, try not to panic, consultants will take good care of you and Cirrhosis, if that is the diagnosis, as you will see from others, is not necessarily a death sentence.

You've removed the cause, alcohol, remember that, as it's vital. No matter what happens from now you've done the very best thing of all yourself!

You will get lots of support here.

Take good care,

Michelle xx

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

So can I survive just as normal as long as I look after my liver?

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

I can't answer that Menace, I wish I could, only a consultant can tell you that, you've removed the cause and you are still here, not in hospital but here, that means a lot. I haven't drunk since January, I refuse to use it as a crutch no matter what life throws at me, life is so precious, hold onto that always. We are both 49, we are both still here. That means something.

Who told you you have Cirrhosis and how was it diagnosed?

Many many here will help,

Michelle x

There was a book I once read, I think it was called a million little pieces and it was excellent.

Grab all the help you can get, from all sources and start again, I have every faith that you can.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

I thought that would be the answer that I got.It was the Dr. who specialises in this at the hallamshire hospital I av had blood test and I had a fibroscan last week the specialist who told me is called Ray Poll pronounced Paul.🤗

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Ah ok so you had a fibroscan, did they go through what the scan results meant for you? I'm glad you are getting the right support for your liver as it's really important. It's worth writing down what they say or take someone with you if possible as it's easy to forget, especially if worried. They may not tell you anything tomorrow it really depends on the person doing the scan, that been my experience anyway.

I take it you have a follow up after the ultrasound.

Very best wishes,

Michelle xx

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Hello. I had the ultrasound this morning and o asked for him to contact me today if he spots anything unusual. I am hoping that he does not get in touch. I then went to water stones and bought a million little pieces. I will wait until I get the feel good factor before starting it. Also I av been told that concerning the cirrhosis I am a grade A and my platelets are 185.🙂. Hope to here from you soon.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Hiya Menace,

I hope you enjoy the book It was a mere mention not quite sure why I did mention it but a good read.. I have no idea about grades in terms of cirrhosis, nor what the platelet figure means. Do you have a follow up appt?

How are you feeling?

Take good care,

Michelle x

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Platelets are and how good your blood clots (external & internal). There was a man who lived here, about a month ago and he had a fall and he bled inside and he died. If the platelets go to 150 and below then that can be bad. Cirrhosis goes : A,B,C and C being bad.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Menace

I am A.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Ah ok, gosh that's awful about the man that died, must have shaken everyone up a lot.

Are you getting good support generally Menace? I hope so.

I'm stunned how much our bodies can take really.

Best wishes,

Michelle x

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

The support is always there but sometimes it doesn't work and you've to just ride it out because it sometimes feels that there is no way out I get the screaming skull affect😨.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Menace

But it's getting better.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Glad it's getting better and I totally relate to what you're saying. Always here if you want a good scream! I hate feeling stuck, I'm at my most vulnerable then as I try and 'fix' things. I don't deal with grey matter well lol 😤

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Good morning.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Morning Menace how are you today?

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

I av had a phone call from hospital and the scan showed nothing negative which is a relief.😳

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

That's great news Menace I'm pleased for you, where do you go from here appreciating they mentioned Cirrhosis, did they say? You're doing all the right things :)

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

No,not yet anyway.🤔

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Ok, hopefully they'll be in touch then shortly :)

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

He said people's platelets (clotting agents) go from 150 to400 and mine are 185.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

That's good then I take it Menace ? I never comment on results as I'm

No specialist..

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Menace

That depends, what stage of cirrhosis do you have and what is your level of commitment to staying off the drink?

Did you get any information from the ultrasound?

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

Outside the hospital now just about to go inside.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

I have had the scan.he will let me know the results soon.he as told me though that my platelets are185.i am at stage A.

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Menace

Does stage A mean stage 1?

Here is some info on platelets

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

I'm sorry but I'm not sure.

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

Good morning

mauschen profile image
mauschen in reply to Menace

Another new day under your own steam, no longer reliant on alcohol ... well done!

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to mauschen

Thank you

tim90125water profile image

What is your motivation to stop drinking? Focus on that. For me my days start with looking at my hospital wrist tags to remind me of the new reality. No drink, good diet, low sodium, low fat, exercise but I am doing it as I am 52 married to a great woman and have 2 fantastic kids. So teetotal is a no brainer, too much to do. Find positives and focus on them. reflect on each improvement.


Menace profile image
Menace in reply to tim90125water

Good morning.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Hiya Menace,

How are you today?


Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

I woke up 15 minutes ago been asleep since 12oclock.some days I feel really tired as some nites I am awake all night.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Oh I'm sorry to hear that I can't bare it if I don't get a nights sleep but meds I take send me to rested well so that's good eh :)

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

How r u today? I av the dentist at 10.50 and not looking forward to it.😬

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Hiya Menace I'm ok ta, how are you? Good luck with the dentist, I seem to have lost my fear of them I have no idea why! You'll be fine xx

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

I got my two new front teeth I've now got to try and keep them in and get use to them 😬.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Excellent! So that's Christmas sorted then lol!!

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

It's all I ever wanted😬.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Hahaha :)

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Good morning😑.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Morning Menace you're up bright and breezy, I've had my weekly lay in! How's you and those new gnashers (pardon the pun)?

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

I tend to wake up in the early hrs and at weekends I don't seem to be in any rush to go back to sleep.😴.

Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace

Good old sleep, nothing worse than lack of it! How's Sheffield today?

Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk


Miche49uk profile image
Miche49uk in reply to Menace


Menace profile image
Menace in reply to Miche49uk

Hello,how are you? It's been ages since I've wrote something because I've been very depressed and it's been difficult. I hope you are OK? I've started my 12wks course of meds and I'm taking something calledMaviret I hope they work. Take care and have a nice evening from Menace😴😴😴😴

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