Liver ultrasound painful: Hi there... - British Liver Trust

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Liver ultrasound painful

Ochredreams profile image
35 Replies

Hi there everyone ☺️Just wondered if anyone else had the same experience I had.

I've been told I have PBC and after a recent fibroscan (which was painless) was told I may have fibrosis so was sent for another ultrasound to check.

I know I have fat on my liver so I'm not worried to hear about that but I fins ultrasounds to be really painful. So much so that I had to just squeeze my fists and grin and bear it and it was horrendous.

I told the person doing the scan it wasn't their fault as it was like this the last time I had it done and he assured me he wasn't pressing too hard.

It took weeks to get over the last ultrasound and felt like my liver was bruised. Is this normal and has it happend to anyone else?

Thanks for taking the time to read my post 💖

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Ochredreams profile image
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35 Replies
NieceByMarriage profile image

That sounds really weird. I wonder if you might have a rib fracture. How long ago was the first painful ultrasound?

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to NieceByMarriage

Last ultrasound was over a year ago and I felt uncomfortable for a few weeks after. The other side of my ribs was sore too so can't think what is causing it. I may just have sensitive bones 🤣

ToughToes profile image

Hi there,

I've found it a bit uncomfortable during ultrasounds whe they press really hard, but this doesn't last after they remove the scanning device. As an aside, did the regular ultrasound find any fibrosis? I wasn't aware that a standard ultrasound would show fibrosis, but that's good to know if it does.

Take care,


Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to ToughToes

Thanks Terry,I think the first ultrasound showed fat but not much else and the woman doing it was a bit mean and told me that I needed to loose weight, which I do but knowing she isn't a doctor I should have complained as it wasn't her place to say. But I had an MRI too and would have thought that would have shown fibrosis?

I am still going through tests and not sure if they are holding off doing a biopsy. I don't have an appointment till next year so will probably wait till then.

ToughToes profile image
ToughToes in reply to Ochredreams

Ok. Good luck.

DaveQ67 profile image
DaveQ67 in reply to ToughToes

Hi, I’ve only ever had US to confirm cirrhosis diagnosis. Never had a fibroscan.

ToughToes profile image
ToughToes in reply to DaveQ67

Interesting. I've recently has a US on August 13 and it said no change from previous US of December 2023, which was grade 1 mild fatty liver. The report also said "The sonographic appearance if the liver does not suggest cirrhosis." My liver enzymes blood tests were all normal as well, yet the internist I sawat the end of August still wants me to do a fibroscan because he says it will show a more in-depth view on the overall health of my liver. It's scheduled for this Tueday. Wish me luck. 🤞

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to ToughToes

Good luck for Tuesday ToughToes 💪

ToughToes profile image
ToughToes in reply to Ochredreams

Thanks very much!

DaveQ67 profile image

It’s funny,

I was actually just think about this as your post came up, I have my US next week.

I’ve had many US for different things over the years. The one I had was very painful. I do think the person doing it was pushing due to finding a polyp on my gall bladder tjough and trying to get better angles?

But Yes, I was sore for a few days.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to DaveQ67

Sorry you had a painful experience, I think some folks just get more sensitive than others. I hope your next ultrasound is not uncomfortable for you ☺️

LilacPoppy profile image

Hi, I find ultrasounds quite painful. Apparently it can be down to gallstones, which I have or the other one is air within your body which they can move out of the way with the US probe, which was what I had last time. And yes, fist clenching pain. Do you know what they were scanning for? Have you had any results yet?

Last US, the sonographer was apparently looking for liver cancer which meant moving air to get a clearer image.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to LilacPoppy

Sorry you also find ultrasounds painful, I'm starting to wonder if I'm just sensitive in my rib area as I've had US on my pelvic area a few times and apart from it being uncomfortable I was never in pain afterwards. Apparently they were looking for fibrosis but not sure when I get the results back. I usually get a call every 6 months to check on blood results etc but never seen anyone in person. Like most people, I feel like we just get left to research our conditions ourselves 😔

Ruby1960 profile image

I’ve been having 6 monthly US for 5 years. I’ve found it depends who does them. Some are very uncomfortable, others less so.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to Ruby1960

Hope the next one is ok for you Ruby! I'd prefer to have an MRI again any day than the US again. I think I'm just sensitive in the bones 🤣

Researchfreak profile image

good morning. So what meds have they prescribed for PBC. Very unlikely ultra sound will show fibrosis. Would need a fibro scan. Wouldn’t be happy waiting a year to see someone. Who is the someone. PBC is serious.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to Researchfreak

I love your name research freak, I to love to research things ☺️I'm not on any medications as yet as my ALP is normal but creeping up slowly and I'm told I'm at the beginning stages so I'm ok. I think other things are going on but not sure if I'm getting tested for anything else. I've had 2 fibroscans and that's when they said it looked like I have fibrosis but they needed an US to confirm. I have no clue what the correct process is as I have never seen a consultant in person. I can speak to the liver nurses any time but don't have any questions to ask them. For now I will just have to wait to see what happens!

Researchfreak profile image
Researchfreak in reply to Ochredreams

frightening. You need a specialist to diagnose you and see you regularly, especially with PBC as it can have many nasty side effects. I see specialist every 3 x 6. Months. Barrages of tests monthly bloods. I personally would have the biopsy as it is very useful which hospital do you attend.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to Researchfreak

Yeah I'm under the specialist team at my local hospital but have never seen them in person and feel like I can't communicate well over the phone 😔

Researchfreak profile image
Researchfreak in reply to Ochredreams

I don’t understand. My hepatologist is fantastic and really looks after me. Specialist liver professor is brought in as and well. But hep man orders all tests. He also explains everything. He took blood and 27 different tests carried out. Thorough. Mind you I’m at one of the top liver transplant hospitals in Europe. Freeman in Newcastle. Your hospital is ? . You can request where you want to be treated.

YvonneM60 profile image
YvonneM60 in reply to Researchfreak

Hi, I have had three fibro scan that say no chirrosis ,yet my Ct scan shows that my liver is small & shriveled at one side ,therefore hepetology saying chirrosis ? Because its different He wants to do a biopsy which I'm unsure of ! & after reading a article on here where even his biopsy wasn't conclusive! I'm so scared x

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to YvonneM60

It's a scary time when you don't have all the answers but at least your healthcare team are doing all the tests they can. I hope you find out for sure soon and hopefully it will give you some peace Yvonne ❤️

LorraineLouise profile image

Sorry to hear of your experience. I have had more ultrasounds than I care to count. And I’ve never had one, that was painful. I have felt pressure from the equipment, but never Pain.

hope all goes well for you

Lorraine Louise

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to LorraineLouise

Thanks for your kind words Lorraine and I hope you don't have more US scans anytime soon 💕

AIHinSantaCruz profile image

Uh, sorry that sounds awful! I have not had pain with either of my liver ultrasounds, and it didn't feel like they pushing hard. Also, I didn't get a (stage 1-2) fibrosis diagnosis until after the liver biopsy.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to AIHinSantaCruz

Sorry to hear of your fibrosis diagnosis, I hope you are coping well. Last time I spoke to the consultant he mentioned biopsy but I think they are doing loads of scans to see if they can get answers instead but at this point I'm going to ask them can I get a biopsy as it may finally answer all my questions. But who knows as I feel like I'm in limbo getting help wherever I can 😔

AIHinSantaCruz profile image
AIHinSantaCruz in reply to Ochredreams

If it is any consolation, the biopsy was pretty painless

Lukeliver profile image

hi there. This very same experience you describe I also had this several days before I realised I was having a flare.

I’ve had an ultra sound since snd not had the same pain.

Are your bloods at normal levels?

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to Lukeliver

Hi Luke, ouchies a flare sounds terrible! Does it cause you pain regardless of the scan?I've had US on other body parts and not had any bother but I felt like my ribs were being stretched apart and now I have a few small bruises over my ribs. I spent the whole of the next day with a migraine and aching joints like I had the flu and it was awful. I feel like my body just doesn't respond well to being poked and prodded!🤣

All my bloods are raised bar ALP which is normal ATM but creeping up slowly with each blood test. I'm wondering if something else is going on too but I don't get any more feedback till January so will have to wait till next year to see what other scans I have in place! I'll do anything but an US again!

mld78 profile image

I have ultrasounds of my kidneys and yes they hurt! Last week tears were rolling down my face. I just couldn’t handle the pain.

Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to mld78

Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience! I wonder why some of us are more sensitive than others? I would prefer to do an MRI again than a US! 😔

Lukeliver profile image

I guess if your bruised then maybe if was slightly rough, I’ve had several now and never had pain bar one when my levels were raised snd liver inflamed.

The pain got worse over several days until it was u bearable and I had to go AnE and was told ALT 1000 plus.

Hope your feeling better now.

If in any doubt just go to AnE, not worth the risk.


Ochredreams profile image
Ochredreams in reply to Lukeliver

Oh no that sounds awful! Hope it doesn't happen again and they are all ok from now on. I will follow that advice if needed and make sure to look after yourself too 😎

Bikafella profile image

I've had loads of US's but only one checking my heart was long and painful because of being on my side and my left arm out at an uncomfortable angle. Also the technician was a miserable fellow with no chat

Ochredreams profile image

I hate when no one is chatty with you on appointments as I think it makes the day go faster and it's more enjoyable 😄

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