After yesterday's self pitying rant and all the fantastic, constructive comments I woke up this morning a newly invigorated woman. The strong winds overnight had calmed and there was even a bit of blue in the sky. That was it, today's the day.
It was only 3k along the waterfront. My husband was wearing the new running shoes I'd bought him for a late birthday present for the first time. They've got Gore-Tex so are waterproof and breathable. He didn't think he needed any more shoes but he set off really quickly. I more or less kept up for the first km but realised my heartrate was way higher than I like so I slowed down. He disappeared into the distance.
There was a stiff breeze, a headwind, so once the initial euphoria of actually getting out there wore off it felt like a bit of an effort. Three weeks of no running has had a noticeable effect but I know that once I start to run consistently again it'll be fine.
I had a few walks to keep my HR where I like it, after all I wasn't trying to prove anything, was I? (except maybe that I was actually having a run!!!).
When I approached the half way mark Mr Y whizzed past on his way homewards . 'These shoes are really comfortable!'
Once I reached 3k I decided to do a little sprint, just for a hundred yards or so, to celebrate being back on track (if you'll pardon the pun). When I pressed Stop on the NRC app Mo Farrar told me I was going really fast today. Thanks Mo, I can now share with all my fellow snails that Mo Farrar has officially told me that 8:45/min is really quick
Happy running everyone!
PS not today's lovely blue sky, just a reminder that the days will soon be longer and summer is on its way