Friday mornings have a conveniently timed Pilates class at a leisure centre with an old runway out the back. I often use this as a nice opportunity to run some intervals on the flat and go straight to Pilates for a cool down session. This morning was a right faff where nothing quite seemed to work in the way I wanted it too. Partly my fault. Partly stupid tech. But it still ended up with a decent run so I’m pretty pleased.
First of all, I spent too much time sitting on the sofa trying to choose a speed run on Nike Run Club. I had one in my head from the marathon programme, but I couldn’t find it. Eventually, I remembered it was “Stronger, faster” after a lot of scrolling. That meant I left late and it would be quite tight to fit it in. I resisted the nagging temptation to just sit in the cafe and have coffee before the class. I decided to just do some of it and that would be fine. Parked. Put all my stuff in the leisure centre locker. Realised I’d left my headphones in the car and you really cant do a Nike run club guided run without them. Walked back to the car park (at least this counted as warm up) and retrieved headphones. Finally ready to start the run with just 25 minutes available when the run was 38-still reasoning I could do most of it. Loaded up bbc sounds and the D and B 60 (this week’s one is absolutely brilliant). Started the NRC run. Music but no coach. Doh. Stopped and played with it. Still no coach. Tried another one-still nothing. Once again, super tempted to just ditch the run since I only really had 20 minutes left.
After having strong words with myself, I started just running. I was tempted to do some do-it-yourself intervals but in the end, grunpy push-it-a-bit-but-not-too-much seemed a better option. Yes, not what was planned but it would have to do. It was probably just what I needed. I took it easy for the first five minutes, then held about a 6/10 effort for most of the run, speeding up a bit for the last couple of minutes when I realised my fairly random route had taken me quite a way from the leisure centre. I finished with exactly 2 miles in exactly 20 minutes which was quite satisfying. I hardly ever do this sort of run on the flat and it was great to find it so much easier than where I usually run. Watch is still very happy with me. I’m sort of happy with me. Nice to get a run in but really, I could do with getting a bit more organised! Ah well, on a grey Friday I’ll take it! I had my coffee after Pilates and felt quite smug that I’d also run. I think it tasted extra good!
Photo is of the rugby posts which all had crows sitting on them. I think I had a good try today despite all the challenges!