I woke up yesterday at 3:30 AM and couldn't fall back asleep. Out of bed at 4 AM and started my morning routine two hours early and got into some work.
At 7'ish, I was ready for a break and decided I would attempt the next long run in my NRC plan. Out the door for my 9k. Decided to tack on an old route to my usual canal run.
I took it slow as part of the run was very sunny and while there was a cooling breeze, the sun was warm. After 2k on a loop in the neighborhood, I made it to the canal. (I really do need to switch it up...)
Felt good up through 6k and then CB tells me we are going to mix it up a bit and do a bit of interval running. WHAT??
I upped my effort for a short time and then dropped back to recovery speed and then did it again. Surprised I had it in me as the temps were heating up.
I really liked that CB kept coming in to encourage me every 200 meters during that last kilometre and I got through.
I'll have a rest day today and a recovery run on Thursday, if all goes to plan, and a 5k on Saturday in Regent's Park.