January 2024 Quest Week 4 - whatever the wea... - Bridge to 10K

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January 2024 Quest Week 4 - whatever the weather!!

Yesletsgo profile image
30 Replies

Hello everyone, are you all still pressing on despite the weather? Freezing last week and now these winds…

We flew home last night and as we made our (delayed and bumpy) descent I remember my Dad, who flew bombers in WW2, telling me that a good landing is one you walk away from. Thankfully the pilot touched us down as if we were all made of bone china, incredible skill.

So, did you manage to keep to your Quest goals or did the weather get the better of you? My own Quest ground to a total standstill while I was away. Although I took my running gear we couldn’t see any promising routes. We were by the sea but the town had huge shipyards which blocked access to the beaches and we couldn’t find a park. I did manage to do a couple of the Nike Training Club workouts, great fun on a tiled floor with no yoga mat 😊. Oh well, I still have just over a week to get back to my goals though I have to confess the blustery breezes this morning were enough to put me off. I've nearly run as much as January last year and if I manage a few more runs on the 10k plan I'll take that as a moderate success.

Anyway, even if you maybe haven’t done as much as you wanted to do there will always be SOMEONE ( 😉 ) who did less, so make sure you congratulate yourself on having got this far. Whether you want moral support or some reminding on just how well you’re doing this is the place to post. Let’s face it, January is a tough month but we’ve nearly ticked another one off the list and spring will soon be here.

Have you been frozen and air dried? Or did you choose to slow cook yourself on the sofa with a ton of chocolate? We want to know.

Happy Questing!!


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Yesletsgo profile image
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30 Replies
GTFC profile image

Thank you Yesletsgo and well done for doing what you could when you were away 👏 We're on it here in Middlesbrough. Last week went well and this week we're as determined as ever. Running every day and on target for 100 miles this month. Super proud of Tasha ⭐

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to GTFC

🍏Glad you safely home! The runs will wait. Moderate success is success. You were a winner every time you put on those trainers and did a run.

My quest was Red January Run walk or S&F every day in January. I have missed 4 days altogether but feel good about the days I have ticked off. Hoping to finish well & continue into Feb.

Great Quest as ever.. mmm the couch and the chocolate 🍫 I will try to resist.. well then maybe a tiny piece until my wretched watch tells me to get moving 🤣

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Annieapple

Thanks Annieapple . RED January is such a tough thing to do, this time of year it's so easy to find excuses to just not go anywhere, you've definitely made terrific progress by ticking off so many days.

For me, the month isn't over and all it'll take is a few good runs to get back on target :)

Go on, have the 🍫, you deserve it :) I personally need all the exercise I can get having spent a week eating fabulous 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to GTFC

Thanks GTFC , you and Tasha have done incredibly well, 100 miles is an amazing achievement. What an inspiration!

Sax64 profile image

Glad you got back safely, some holidaymakers have been much less fortunate. I've had another really good week, closing out with a longer run of 8.5k. Concentrating on slowing down is starting to pay off, as this is the first longer run I've achieved without any inner mental battle going on. Even the sheep were impressed.

Sheep and my weekly stats
Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Sax64

Great pic Sax64 ! That's a really good distance too, sounds like you've found a pace that really suits you. Going slower is a real game changer, when everything sort of flows and is comfortable, well done you :)

Folkylass profile image

Glad you’re back safe. I managed to get out yesterday before the storm. However it was a slog as I chugged around. Having had too much porridge and ran quickly after…foolish mistake to make and I’m not in the habit of doing that , I managed to finish my run.However my splits were diabolical and I had indigestion most of the way.

Tomorrow will be a big no as the bad weather once again has snookered us all so I may just have some choc🍫🤔after singing and playing my guitar all morning.

Wednesday I will definitely be out and I intend running a route that I did quite often last summer. It’s away from my village and down to the next. So hubby will drop me off and I shall run all the way back so that should be hopefully quite a longish run. …That’s the plan 😂

Loving the picture👍🥰x

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Folkylass

Thanks Folkylass , it really has been wild, hasn't it! Not my favourite running weather by a long chalk so well done for getting out at all. Do you normally eat before you run or had you had a change of plan? Indigestion is definitely not what you need. Let's hope Wednesday's run is better.

Enjoy the 🍫 and the 🎸🎶🎶🎵, a rest will set you up for success!

Folkylass profile image

Thanks Yesletsgo. I normally have either a boiled egg or one scrambled egg on a small slice of wholemeal bread. However I think 🤔 maybe a re think is needed.

Have a great week and keep safe🥰x

Oldfloss profile image

Hello and welcome back home:)

Mr OF's Stepfather, who flew in WW2, used to say... the trick was, aiming at the ground and missing !

Well.. I am still questing and still moving!

YWA... with tweaks ongoing...

Weight going on, slowly but steadily...my trousers a re fitting a atd snugger around the waist, which is so good !

Strength and stamina work , continuing...I am going to try to focus on my core...I really need to tighten and tone.

... and... I ran! Yeayayayayay.

Only a short run, after the hold ups, caused by wind and weather! CB and I ran the Comeback run, as slow as a sedentary snail on National Slow Day, and it was wonderful.

Steady breathing, light steps and an ongoing conversation with MY, ( sorry folks), special running buddy!

On we go... although I feel Storm Jocelyn may have other ideas for tomorrow...

Happy, safe Questing everyone... and thanks you, for hosting this and keeping me going!


First two runs of Ju Ju's Magic Plan completed, albeit with a gap in between them... so just the 35 minute one to do. before moving on to Week 2 !

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

Hello Oldfloss , those old boys knew a thing or two about not panicking!

Glad to hear that the Quest is going well, all the yoga, strength, stamina work, I bet CB was really pleased to see you out there. As I wasn't running you could have him all to yourself ;)

A short run is a fine thing to do, especially with the weather like it is, and if you're getting through the Magic Plan too, that's real progress. Wish I'd known about National Slow Day, sounds like my sort of celebration :)

Congratulations on the weight gain too. My Mum had stomach cancer and lost a ton of weight when I was 13, so I never saw being thin as something to aspire to (she was with us until she was 83 despite only being given 3 months to live, a real force of nature). I remember her joy as the weight came back, ounce by ounce. Keep at it, hope you feel so much better :)

And here's some 🍫🍕 to help you :)

Wavy-chick28 profile image

Glad you had a good landing it looked very hairy out there! I am pleased to say that I have been running mostly every other day whatever the weather and this morning went from 3k to 3.5K and I’m feeling so much brighter for it.

Still on the YWA 30 days and pleased to say hubby has also managed to keep up it has been hilarious at times as he has never attempted yoga before, I am really pleased he has joined me though.

Busy week ahead so don’t know when next run will fit, have Nanna duties and the wee one will be two this week and a day out is planned but great to feel myself slowly returning to the old me x

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Wavy-chick28

Hi Wavy-chick28 you really have made some progress since the beginning of the month, haven't you? Glad to hear you're back to regular running, it feels so good if you've had a break that you didn't want.

Sounds like the yoga is going well too. Still working on how to get Mr Y to do this, I feel it may be some time...

Wavy-chick28 profile image
Wavy-chick28Graduate10 in reply to Yesletsgo

Didn’t think mine would last a day he doesn’t commit to it all I’m sure he ducked out of the lions breath the other day he looked confused 😂

GoogleMe profile image

It has been a bit of a frustrating time with the running part of my Quest but with a medal at stake I should have enough push to pull it out of the bag by the last minute. I've had my running underpinnings on so many days....

Yoga and etc. Yes, it is happening! I only have the final Qi Gong class left to do in the programme and feel I am learning a lot to incorporate into my regular practices. And I've done a yoga practice on enough other days and enough variety between standing and floor based yoga to feel pleased. (In my regular practice, I prefer not to use a mat, I like the feel of the wooden bathroom floor... but Qi Gong insists on a mat so I observe that)

Walks... again rather frustrated rather often but as those on the Active 10 forum have seen, I had a lovely time doing the Doncaster Penguin Trail.

The frustration is relatively mild... I have realised that it wasn't just that I had other things to be doing, other people's needs to meet, let alone the quirks that climate chaos is throwing at us, I was not actually up to doing very much as I recovered from an evening out.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Hi GoogleMe , thank you for sticking with the Quest. You still have about a quarter of January to complete the running part so don't fret, you'll get it done and that shiny medal will be yours, never fear :)

It sounds like the yoga and Qi Gong are going really well, so that's a definite positive. The weather has been against you for the walks but it sounds like you've been making an effort when you can so pat yourself on the back and have some 🍫. January can be the sort of month when everything is too much of an effort so just revel in what you've achieved.

By the way, did you ever buy the new shoes?

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate10 in reply to Yesletsgo

Haha, no... but as MrGM informed me today that the cats had urinated in my others...

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to GoogleMe

Sorry, 😂 shouldn't laugh 😂😂😂

Now I've recovered, you have a great excuse to buy a new pair 🐱‍👤(give that kitty a treat)

Folkylass profile image

Got out Wednesday morning for a smashing run. The weather was glorious, the sun was shining, and it was lovely and warm.

During my enjoyable run I did stop just for a snap of some lovely little snowdrops. For me these were the first one I’ve seen this year so far.

I was originally going to go further afield today with my running. It was going to be the running route that I do when I’m training for a virtual race. However having second thoughts because of the recent weather and winds I thought that maybe there would be trees down etc so I decided to stay closer to home.No worries though it was still a lovely morning.

Green and white.
Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to Folkylass

This sounds like a lovely run Folkylass . Seeing the snowdrops would lift anyone's mood, especially if you were feeling good to begin with.

Let's hope the weather is getting better and you can get into your longer runs soon :)

Folkylass profile image
FolkylassAdministrator in reply to Yesletsgo

Thanks Yesletsgo 👍Hopefully out tomorrow 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🥰x

RollingPea profile image

I last posted on Jan 2nd when I was suffering back pain. A day or so later I came down with a viral illness that had me confined to bed, followed by 2 weeks of wheezing and coughing and no running. Yuck! Finally recovered and restarted my January Quest with help from Sophie EB's 'Kitchen Disco' on BBC Sounds. I’ve run, smiled and sung along with the Positivity Special playlist 5 times! If any Questers are struggling for motivation check it out - it's available for a couple more weeks.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to RollingPea

Hope you're feeling better RollingPea , viruses can really knock the stuffing out of you.

I really like Sophie EB for my runs, second choice after drum'n'bass (especially for those days when I feel like singing along 😂)

MissUnderstanding profile image

How did I miss this? The storm knocked out my phone and the internet was rubbish for days. I e gone back to last week to check my goals and I missed that one too! I think I need a black mark for unauthorised absence against my name!!

It’s been a weird month with loads of stuff going on that’s made running tricky. I’ve not done all that well with that, but sometimes at the start of a new programme I get a bit over enthusiastic and burn out so maybe this is better! This week I’ve run twice, swum once, done two zumba classes but loads of strength and flex. That’s been the real win this month. I’ve got in a great routine with Pilates, weights classes and stretchy yoga so I think I’m in a great position to build the run distance now. We won’t talk about the five a day challenge. That was a disaster. Ah well. Next month is coming soon!

You’ve been an awesome host! Thanks so much for keeping us going! I’ve read all your posts even if my replies have gone AWOL! ❤️❤️❤️

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to MissUnderstanding

Don't worry MissUnderstanding I've seen your posts about your runs and you don't sound like anybody should be giving you bad marks! I feel quite exhausted reading about all the other workouts you're doing too. Don't forget, you're talking to a woman who took a whole week off!!!!

As for the five a day, don't forget that chocolate, coffee and tea all come from plants, as do chips and flour so I am sure you have the five a day covered ;) (disclaimer: I am not a dietician 😂)

Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement :)

CredenceRainyDay profile image

Thank you for your encouragement for questers right up to the last. I'm not putting my January quest down as a major success or a major flop. 3 out of 4 weeks kept to my goal of running 2 runs per week. I suppose for me, the idea of committing to the quest in the first place was to give myself some accountability to increase the likelihood of running at all in January. This week lots got in the way of two runs getting off the ground but today I got to the starting line and did a nice 40 minute 5.5K with Coach B's 40 minute Head Starts. Just what I needed. Lots of opportunity for reflection on how far I've come and loads of good advice on being a good coach to yourself and others. February is around the corner but there will still be the dark mornings, the work pressures and responsibilities. My goal for February might just be to have fun running 😁

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to CredenceRainyDay

Like Coach B advises, it sounds like you are being a good coach to yourself, embracing your successes and noting the (good) reasons how life intervened so your original goal became less achievable.

If you've done one run this week you could sneak in a very short one before the end of the month and that would make two in this week. You can juggle the beginnings and ends of weeks quite creatively you know ;)

I only managed 3 out of 4 weeks too, and I don't even have the excuse of being busy!!!

Here's to having fun in February :)

CredenceRainyDay profile image

Yes I like that. Have been, I admit, pondering - what's the beginning of a week when you get to decide? 🤣

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to CredenceRainyDay

The 7 day period with the most runs in it, innit? ;)

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate10 in reply to Yesletsgo

I totally agree! 😂

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