The LAST Summer Quest Week 4: What is the... - Bridge to 10K

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The LAST Summer Quest Week 4

Annieapple profile image
37 Replies

What is the Quest?

The aim of the Quest (if you are a graduate) is to help you find a focus or a goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period. It’s completely up to you as this is a personal challenge. Popular goals are:- (& there are many others)

★ To run three times a week

★ To slowly increase distance

★ To train for a specific race

★ To add strength and flex exercises to your weekly routine

🍏Week 1 we named the short term goal we wanted to achieve by the end of

🍏Week 2 we made ourselves accountable by talking honestly about how we were doing!

🍏Week 3 we asked ourselves the big question “ Am I willing and able to put in the extra time and effort to achieve my goal?”⁉️

👋 You are most welcome if you are just joining us! Do state the short term goal you want to achieve by the end of August, in the comments below.

There are 10 days to go to achieve something new.

🍏Summer Quest Week 4

WHY do we need Goals?

🍏What gets us out of bed and into our running gear when it’s pouring with rain or snowing?

What makes us put on those trainers at the end of a long and tiring work day?

Why do we do Squats when we are cleaning our teeth?

What makes up read up about protein, fasting, carbs?

Why do we register for races or park runs?

Our GOALS of course!!

🍏We benefit as runners in setting achievable goals because it gives us a sense of direction and purpose. Something to aim for!

This is what questing is all about, making that long and arduous search for a goal we can achieve.

🍏If you are struggling to achieve your goals you may need to review them? Why not join in next months Quest and rethink it. You may need to change your expectations because “ life” happened. That’s ok.. we need to review & be flexible with our goals.. they must be achievable! Sometimes we have to have lots of little goals to win the prize one! A notebook, or notes on your phone or computer, stick it notes are a good idea…. A running journal where you make yourself accountable to yourself!

🍏Finally, thank you for your fantastic response to the Summer Quest. It has made the challenge of hosting for the first time, a real joy.

Happy Questing everyone!

If you’re bored with life – if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – then you don’t have enough goals.” –Lou Holtz

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Annieapple profile image
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37 Replies
Annieapple profile image

Folkylass Cassie_7 ToothPickJafah beth_f BR808 Sax64 FurtherFaster CBDB BarbieW Teresa1632 Oldfloss Redbook5 Floradora2 MissUnderstanding Getfitordietrying

Annieapple profile image

Harry76 BahamaMama1 Petem56 Bruch1 @chris172 nowster Comte SueAppleRun Mummycav Frankenfoot23 Archerygoddess

Oldfloss profile image

Good morning!

Sunshine here today again after a gloriously warm day yesterday... I spent a large part of the day pegging out duvet covers, sheets and throws... and they all dried beautifully... and I got a workout too I

I am still here, still moving, albeit slowly at times..

Yoga, ongoing, with tweaks...

Leg and foot work..,

Walks with Mr OF on his recovery plan... up to 1 mile.

Longer walk at a slightly increased pace on Thursday too.

I need to pop in some upper body and core work somewhere... and will find a little time for that.

All positive and all moving forwards gently... hoping a few days at the coast will refresh the mind and body too from the middle of next week.

Happy safe Questing everyone!

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to Oldfloss

Your positive goals throughout the Summer Quest are moving you forward in many ways Oldfloss but especially toward recovery. Enjoy your coastal break! Xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Thanks you!

SueAppleRun profile image

Good morning, I'm sure i have many goals, but cant think what they are at the moment. So, for niw, my goal is to gget out and run.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Good plan!

Annieapple profile image

The main goal for us all!!! Enjoy Sue

CBDB profile image

hello, gosh, the weeks roll by, don’t they?

My short and medium term goals shifted during this month. I was doing a bit too much in the rower and started to feel exhausted.

So, my adapted goals are now fur the rest of the month:

Running: to run, and target routes in the 4-5k range. I have a 2-hill,5k route ready mapped out that will be tackled at some point in the next 2 weeks.

Rowing: I’ve left the Dog Day challenge ( increasing accumulative rowing distance each week. Week 1 - 10k, week 2 - 20k, week 3 - 30k , Week 4 - 40k.) It was too much. I manage 32k per week with a bit effort, and hit this over the weekly target in both week 1 and 2, but it really took it out of me. So week 3, I’m scaling back to 25k again. Don’t want to overdo it.

So I need to better at not being swept away by a challenging target, as one target (rowing) will interfere with another (running).

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to CBDB

🍏Such a good example of reviewing your goals and resetting them, to make them achievable!! Focusing on the all important & adjusting is key! Well done!

Folkylass profile image

Good morning Annieapple hope your well👍👍.Well now then this morning I changed into my running gear to go for a run. However my mind set wasn’t having any of it. I faffed ,faffed and faffed and I did some over thinking ……(Hedgehogs123 will know what I mean 😳) so consequently I haven’t gone out. So tomorrow is another day and for today Hubby and I are going to cheer the lionesses 🦁🦁on.

My quest for the up and coming week is obviously to run more and continue with my Pilates.🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️x

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to Folkylass

🍏🤣Oh I know that feeling of procrastination all too well. A good example and unmentioned before of what can hinder our goals. However time spent with hubby & cheering on our team makes for a fun day! Enjoy & yes that run can be done tomorrow! X

nowster profile image

Good afternoon Annieapple and fellow questers.

Not the week I'd planned.

Monday was a total washout due to heavy rains and being mucked about with dentist appointments.

Tuesday was a 2 miler squeezed in between work and going out for a choir rehearsal.

Wednesday was another post-work 10km.

Thursday was a 5km run sneaked in during the early afternoon.

Friday was a 2¼km barefoot run. In the morning!!!

Saturday morning's parkrun was cancelled due to Storm Betty, and my afternoon was taken up with setting up a new printer for my sister.

This morning (Sunday) I set off to do a 10km run. It was warmer than expected. I found myself with "urgency" part way round even though I'd been to the loo twice before setting off. I cut a corner off the route so I could get back earlier. And then the feeling passed. It ended up being 7km instead.

The week ahead should have me doing similar. I'm hoping to get two 10km runs in, finishing with a HM during the bank holiday weekend.

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to nowster

🍏some weeks life happens & we can’t accomplish all we had hoped to achieve but you still squeezed in more than many of us do in a month. I always look at your posts with awe & wonder.. keep running & early sometimes & barefoot sometimes & 10k sometimes… 👏🤩

BR808 profile image

Hi Annieapple well this last weeks consolidation was a bit patchy! In a completed non running related way managed to give myself an injury! Hilarious really considering I was doing nothing strenuous or sport related- literally just picking up and packing away a music stand!😂😂😂just twisted and bent awkwardly and that was it agony! Took 3 days to wear off and be able to go out for a gentle test run. However back now, and managed to finish this week with 2x 5k runs. So I’m happy I can run the distance now, and am running for longer time periods approx 35 mins with added 5min warm up at start.

I downloaded the NRC app and i used the 20 min recovery type first run as my taster and to test my back. I enjoyed it and using their playlists so not stressing about my music and getting bored of it. It was nice not knowing what track was next! So I think I’ll try another of their longer runs this week.

A little win was one of the smaller hills on one of my routes this week- first time I’ve run it all the way without walking! However ‘big’ hill my nemesis still defeats me physically and mentally! But am going to keep chipping away at it!

Bizarrely my last run yesterday was 5k- and it felt so good- don’t get me wrong still gruelling in places but overall at the end of the run I felt I could keep going and my mind had settled itself and relaxed. But it turned out to be one of my slowest! It was muggy and an evening run over trail but still I was surprised. But I felt positive despite the time because of how I felt afterwards and that’s way more important than any time factor!

Haven’t hit my gym targets- that’s still a work in progress but did buy a yoga matt and amused myself trying out some you tube beginner videos!

As far as my parkrun goal is concerned I’m feeling like I might give it a go v soon!

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to BR808

🍏ooh that sounded a painful incident but glad it was gone within 3 days! Well done on your slow 5K .. slow often works in our favour! We are more relaxed & enjoy it & run longer.. also great for your back!! I wonder who will do park run first, you or me 🤣 Well done 👍 you are moving forwards & you have plans & goals. All good!!!

Petem56 profile image

And a good Sunday afternoon to you all. Am I still on track, well I think I am. I'm still on target for my December 5k, and as well as my Athletics Club sessions twice a week, I'm also following a Garmin training program with the aim of getting up to 10k for early April, I'm also doing core and strength workouts 2-3 times a week.

This morning was a Garmin walk, run, walk session, 10 mins walk, 4.02k run and 10mins walk. Anyway, I sloooow jogged the first 10 mins, then ran the 4.02km and walked the final cool down.

I had pr in the 5km, 2 mile and 0ne mile with an overall pace of 9:21 per km, and that's including the slow cool down. Have already got my 5km time to what was my original target, so really pleased. Have now got a week of different speed workouts plus core/strength sessions until next Sundays Run,Walk, Run which has increased to just over 4.8km.

Will I get out when and if we get any snow, or will I dust off the treadmill only time will tell.

Happy running team mates.

Annieapple profile image

🍏I would say your targets are being well met especially as you seem pleased with your times & distances .. hopefully that snow will be a loooong time coming & you can enjoy the treasures of Autumn. Well run Pete!

MissUnderstanding profile image

Thanks for another great thread Annieapple ! It’s been a lovely month questing with you.

I have a confession-I spotted this yesterday but I’ve been avoiding replying because I’ve had a super quiet week of running. Looking at my goals, it’s not the total washout that I thought (phew!) but I’m really hoping to get back on track this week.

What was I supposed to be doing?

Three runs this week with a ten mile long run

Er, this ended up being one fifteen minute run! I have been to Zumba which my garmin thought was a sprint (I think I had it on the wrong setting!) and a couple of walks but I’ve just been really tired after camp. The rest has been much needed and I’m not going to be too hard on myself. This week I am setting getting a long run done as my sole running goal. Everything else will be a bonus.

Two really good strength sessions

This was a big win. I increased weights again and recovery was noticeably better. I was expecting killer DOMS but just mild aches. This week I’ll aim for a couple more and a swim.

Five a day fruit and veg!

This has gone really well too. After a week of essentially school dinners, I really fancied veg and we ate some really nice things. This one will be carried over for next week.

Having the Quest has been so helpful. I was feeling a bit flat but actually I’ve met lots of my goals. Now to sort the running out again!

So goals for this week?

Do a long run

A couple of gym sessions and a swim

Keep focussing on good nutrition

Have a great week all ❤️❤️❤️

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to MissUnderstanding

🍏It’s great when we review our week & pull out the positives… sometimes goal’s just have to be rearranged & adjusted.. .. they are still goals to work towards… I love your nutrition goals added into the mix… sometimes we forget we are what we eat… Well done on your positive questing & your encouragements to so many of us! Xx

Sax64 profile image

Pleased to report I'm on track for this month's goals, having done both NRC's funky fartlek (getting addicted to these) and their 7k run. My 3rd run was a 30 minute easy run with a podcast. So I'm very happy indeed 😊

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to Sax64

🍏🎉So good to hear this… Well done!!

Oldfloss profile image

I only just saw the snow people !!! Eeekkkkk !

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to Oldfloss

Where is the snow ⛄️?????

Gthants profile image

I'm back out and running three times a week. Now want to peg that to some routine so that I can build up properly again.

Annieapple profile image

🍏Good news!!! Well done & making it routine will only make it easier to stick at it.

beth_f profile image

Morning Annieapple

Thanks ever so much for hosting this month and keeping us all in check with our quests.

After last weeks IC with hip issues, I've spent the week doing 20/30 mins of yoga every day which has made a massive difference so I feel ready to run again but my mojo has gone a wandering and I also need new running shoes which I can't quite justify yet..

So this week I will be looking for my running mojo but in the meantime I will continue with some more yoga and start to bring back daily core exercises and hope the running bug returns 🤞

Annieapple profile image

🍏🥰well done on all the yoga .. will certainly turn you into a “you go”! I find the best way to find Mojo is to put on the trainers & head out on that 5min walk … telling yourself it’s ok if you don’t find it, you will just walk.. inevitably you start thinking I am out here so I may as well do a slow easy run… & suddenly you are back into again… 😊

Bruch1 profile image

I now have another goal but for this year. My daughters have entered me for the Mo-Run in Nottingham on 4th November. There's a choice of HM, 10k, 5k and 1.5k. I'm going for the 5k this time as it will be my first charity run. 😊

Annieapple profile image

🍏🤩📣👏⭐️Excellent!!!! That’s a fantastic goal

Cassie_7 profile image

Great post and Quest Annieapple! I have managed to continue running every other day, except for the odd days when I went for long walks. Also continuing with Pilates and toning with weights on other days It is noticeable the evenings are starting to draw in as we head towards September. I usually dread winters, but I am determined to keep running during daylight hours x

Annieapple profile image

🍏Well done that’s amazing commitment… I find the best way to approach winter is just to keep going! I only stop if it’s really icy out all day because of the injury risk… but rain sleet snow I keep going & it’s never ever as bad as one thinks. If one is appropriately clad you hardly feel it! I also do a very good extra warm up inside & then start running straight away so don’t get cold..

Cassie_7 profile image
Cassie_7 in reply to Annieapple

Many thanks that's a great idea to warm up more indoors first! X

chrisl72 profile image

Hi Annieapple , thank you for hosting the final Quest for August!

I've fallen off the wagon a bit this month. High hopes for what felt like fairly low targets but have actually done less Pilates than previously.

The big win has been hitting 10,000 steps almost every day whether running or not.

I've signed up for the Prostate Cancer March the Month in September, which is 11,000 steps per day so that will be a nice challenge.

Annieapple profile image

🍏🤣 We all know that feeling of falling off the wagon! Climbing back on is the essential bit! However you met your step target with excellence & a lovely new challenge coming up! Well done! ⭐️

Comte profile image

Finally achieved a 5km run yesterday 2nd of September, which was the principal aim of my Summer Quest. It recquired a number of preliminary shorter runs during this summer but I finally made it. Have a good week everyone. 👍👍😀

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministrator in reply to Comte

🍏5K is such a great target to reach & an awesome run! Well done! 👏⭐️

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