Very late report as it’s 11pm and I took my legs out for a run first thing in the morning, more than15 hours ago!
And what kind of run was that!!!!!! A toxic 10 run!!!! Again! Yesss! I encountered them also on my run 2 days ago (unreported)!
Waitttt whatttttt?
I never experience the toxic 10, before!!! They did not exist for me! And I always thought that it was due to the ultra-slow running that I do not get them.
But here I was, well hydrated, well warmed up, in the middle of the summer and only quarter-way through my 51 min run did I feel strong and bouncy. But the first 10 min felt like I was going to have to stop and turn around. Or faint. Or drop. Or cry!
I know!!! Many runners experience the toxic 10 regularly but not me!!!! 😱
What helped? Keeping running. Stretching dynamically at the halfway point. Thinking about writing a moan to all you lovely and patient running buddies. And asking if they have any tricks up their sleeve when the toxic 10 strike!
These toxic 10 was a new experience for me. Let’s hope they disappear!
Other experiences:
- a new 10min sandy section through fields that I had never run before, and that sand felt great! Despite the toxic 10! (Pic)
- an awful 7 min section on a nettled stretch, where stepping over, under, on, avoiding, slinking besides any looming or drooping nettles turned out to be more tiring than the whole rest of the run!
So, any tips for avoiding the toxic 10 or stinging nettles?