Another very short run under the belt..... I seem currently. to be meeting myself coming back !
Wind, weather, illness and recovery having slowed me down, have given way now to all manner of life issues. Mr OF dropping the oil filter cap down into the engine compartment... and all that getting a new one involves...including getting to where you need to be... extra days with small runner in training, and just getting back on track
I have been taking extra rest days, but I need to try to get into a little bit of a pattern!
Yesterday morning, I was going to run further, but that was not to be...
I woke late, for me, and a quick peek through the curtains whilst Mr OF fetched the tea tray up... I saw the give-away signs. Garden and cars covered with that silver sparkle, tell-tale clues that Jack Frost had visited. But no icy pavements!
So morning routine over...squats, squatted, and stretches, stretched...gear warmed and on and out into the day.
Everywhere was quiet... the railway crossing in the village is closed until May and the result? A distinct lack of traffic anywhere! Bliss.... I was going to run into the village and back around by Swan passage, but after I ran very slowly down towards the fields I became aware, very quickly, how cold the air was.
I was wearing my Buff and my balaclava... but I could still feel that air hitting my lungs. I am not sure whether the fact that I had Covid at Christmas has impacted in some way, but the feeling is like those pictures you see of ice, spreading along branches in time lapse!
It feels like ice spreading through the lungs!
Dramatic I know but enough to make me stop... and I was fine... good deep breaths, no tightness, but that icy feeling! So weird. I tucked everything around my nose again.
Anyway... I eased back, up the little hill and past McFitty 's Wood...someone is using the little path there... and just onto the field. No rush and just taking everything in.
My huge majestic tree, branched arms outstretched and etched against an achingly beautiful , blue sky.
I love that tree. I have walked under it, with my children and my grandchild, with my husband and alone. I have run past it so, so many times, all weathers and all seasons. It is part of me. Just far enough to take a photo and then I needed to turn...
Coach Bennett and I had reached the end of our 15, I pulled right back and took a very gentle, cold down and taking photos as I went.
Lenten roses, nestled again Daffodils bursting with green -spiked bravado through the hard frost encrusted soil...and with leaves silver tipped, almost hidden, my first primroses.
I walked back up the hill, no temptation to run... glad to be home.
I am so much stronger, I am not pushing too hard, and I will just take each run as it comes. Today was still a joy...despite weird feelings, a spirit lifter.... I know how lucky I am.