When, you run and you are calm and at peace.... - Bridge to 10K

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When, you run and you are calm and at peace...then you are at your strongest...

Oldfloss profile image
34 Replies

Hello running people.... be warned... Floss Ramble.

I do tend to ramble about my runs here on Bridge, amongst friends who know me and my strange loopy ways. Safe here to share my thoughts.

I have been managing to run a lot more frequently now, as I have finally made my way back up to 8st 2lbs... and rising! Muscle tone is improving and, as the muscles are building up, I am able to run more. Gosh, it is a slow business, but as is well know, slow and steady are synonymous with me!

A super-duper by-product of running a tad more now, has been a much better mind set... less negative worry and a lot more relaxed positivity, but.... I( there is always a but) , the last week or so, the dreaded overthinking , was beginning to creep around me. Life in general was a tad frenetic, dental appointments, routine GP appointments, blood tests for Mr OF and me at one point seemed to be the norm.., and the added weight of some other issues which I will not burden you with :)

This all seemed to compound the overthinking and although I have strategies to deal with this... I knew I needed to get outside, and run through some of those issues, and try to sort things out. So... I grabbed a couple of opportunities for two short runs... one last Wednesday, and one Sunday. Both short, 3.5K, no need for speed, and the Sunday one felt hard. Heavy legs and a mind weighed down with niggly and persistent thoughts. Nevertheless, I did finish the Sunday run in a better way than I began it, many thanks to CB and The NRC guided run, and I was able to rationalize a few things, knowing that I would be back at the Coast by Monday afternoon!

So. Here I am. Back in one of my most happy places. NINE full hours sleep last night, worked their magic. I do not know whether I was a tad exhausted but, the sleep was sound and deep and I awoke refreshed and ready to face the day.

The sky was brightening as I sat having my morning cuppa and after a good warm up, I was out of the door, in what for me, was a record time, with limited faffage pre run! The sun was beginning to show itself and although not warm, there was no chill in the air and only a slight breeze as I ran down the site towards the sea. Back up again and out of the gate and noticing that my breathing was steady and my legs felt strong. ( NOTE. Even when I do not get the runs in, my strength and stamina work is ongoing....mostly still low impact but thorough). Down towards the next village, but I turned earlier than normally would be the case, a quick photo of the distance mountains, cloud- wrapped in grey cloaks of mystery this morning, and down towards the sea.

I do not think I will ever tire of this familiar, beloved view.

All the while I am not alone. CB is with me. He knew I needed this run and he came with me to fulfil that need, and this morning the words really did resonate. I checked my form, I relaxed my face, and shoulders, my hands held lightly and arms propelling me forward, my body relaxed and comfortable. I ran as instructed, easy!

As I ran down the hill, the water sparkling in the strengthening sunshine, the castle, still watching over the town, protective and constant. At this point there was only about ten minutes of the run left to go, but my body felt light, and as sometimes happens with me, my legs move and the rest of me just seems to go with them, with little effort. The words echoing in my head still subliminally, messaging me, and serving to relax my pace even more, as a tangible feeling of calm came over me.

Okay, I know this may sound weird to some of you, but it was what I felt.

Down and along the Esplanade, totally deserted, no people, no cars, a few more, fleeting, on the moving shots, and along the jetty below the castle. I am sometimes, only sometimes :) tempted to go under the barrier and run to the end...but I never do!

Another, different view of the castle, back up past the RNLI boathouse and back along the front to the countdown from CB. I do, in these last moments of the run let myself go... the easy running does evolve and the pace naturally and easily increases, and I finish with a final, joyous burst of energy.

Okay it was only 20 minutes..it was only 3.1K, but it was a run I needed. I finished the run with a clearer head and a calmer heart and a quieter mind.

Ready, as CB says, for the next starting line.

You may want to try the run for yourself at some point. It is well worth it.

The words in the post title are not mine...but the meaning behind them...?

I was calm, I was peaceful. I was, indeed Strong.

It worked for me!

Floss xxx

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Oldfloss profile image
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34 Replies
Katnap profile image

Nice run Oldfloss It's great to bottle those moments and share with others who also have the occasional feel good runs. We remember and then feel the joy!

🐱 Katnap 🐱

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Katnap

Thanks you!

You are right... bottle them , put them on the shelf and take them down on the wet, cold dark days, to brighten the gloom! You must have very, very memories of some incredible runs.... Hafan Pwhelli Park Run maybe ? Ha ha🤣!

Katnap profile image
KatnapGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

That's certainly one of them ❤️

Birdlady64 profile image

No not weird at all.I can understand where you are coming from and what you are saying.

To run there, in such a wonderful, moody, atmospheric place that has such personal significance - how amazing is that?

And no, not only 20 minutes, not only 3.1km but a strong, calm, peaceful and triumphant 20 minute run. Time and distance irrelevant.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Birdlady64

Thank you, it is good to know you can feel that too... I take so many photographs here... and they are all completely different.

The same view, the same castle ( MR OF says I have hundreds of that), but no photograph the same:; the light, the time, the slight change in where I stand...

I came here with my parents many, many years ago and long, summer school holidays were spent here with my Nan, with Mum and Dad coming each weekend... the place is full of those memories, even now. Not in a maudlin way, you know the ' oh, those were the good old days' , I am blessed still with joy in my life, but in a grateful happy way.

When I ran on the jetty yesterday, the tide was on the turn and the little bay between it and the Castle, was perfect for a swim.... my Dad and I swam there every day we were there together. Happy memories indeed.

It was a beautiful 20 minute run, it was needed and it was gratefully received. Thank you again.


I am not sure if you read my post from way back, maybe if you get a minute, you may enjoy it?


Birdlady64 profile image
Birdlady64Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I think I did read this a while back. Such a beautiful post - "I wanted to soak up the sight, the sound, the scent, the very essence of the place." Yes!I have very similar memories of childhood holidays by the seaside but alas the place is so much changed as to be almost unrecognisable. I wouldn't want to spend time there now.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Birdlady64

I feel blessed that Criccieth has hardly changed at all x

LiisaM profile image

A wonderful share.... For awhile, I was running with CB's "Calm and Strong." It's nice to hear that there are more mantras coming up. I got some niggly feelings today and have a run scheduled for tomorrow. Hopefully my nigglies will go away, too!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to LiisaM

There you are, your cushion was waiting for you! It is so good to know that you getting the runs again, albeit mixed in with strength and stamina work, which I feel you do get on a daily basis!

I am so glad that you are finding the CB guided runs so useful. I know that after I found them, they did and still do fill a little gap for me, giving me the kind of support that I need right now, They are an incredible resource.

I still do use my own music too and I do run, nekkie, with no music or voice at all... those days when me and Nature just need to be alone together.

Well done my friend, please do pop back and let us know how your run went, if you manage it!

Irishprincess profile image

Just gorgeous Floss 😍 and what atmospheric photos!

That sounds like a special run and one you needed. The restorative nature of such runs is truly magical. May you have many, many more my friend xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you my friend... I have had a few struggles, but, I do feel that I am really getting more control of what is happening,

Many folk are going through much more than I currently, especially some of our friends here on the forums, and I do sometimes feel a bit of a whinger, but I do not want to be where I was at the end of 2020.

The running had, as you know always been a joy for me and my rambles, well, enough said:) and now getting back to more of a regular running pattern although maybe not as many runs as before, is a really good feeling.

You are absolutely right, it truly is a strange phenomena , how the runs have the power to restore everything that is strong and positive in us. It never ceases to amaze me how as the run goes on, that feeling sweeps over you?

I really hope it won't be too long until you are able to get out there again too, The latest set back with your back is no joke... and it is certainly true that we all need to develop patience to cope with the rough times when we cannot run. Slow and steady, Maj! x

Dexy5 profile image

That sounds like a lovely run Oldfloss .

Do you remember , back in the day, there was a cigarette ad “You are never alone with a …………..”

Well, you are never alone with Coach Bennett. His coaching is sound, just like C25K, but it’s also like running with a buddy. He gives great advice, he can be quiet , allowing you to think things through, and he doesn’t get offended when you drift off in your own little world and totally ignore him!

I am so pleased that you are back in your happy place and that you feel stronger, both in mind and body. Enjoy your little break by the sea.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Thank you, it certainly was. Yes, I do remember that advert... was it, as I think, a man in a dark coat standing on a bridge at night and lighting a cigarette... gosh that was an age ago ?

You are right, CB, he is a companion. The whole format of those guided runs is so clever. I know that it is a programme, it is financially successful and how and why it is put together, but, it is so clever... and certainly as you say, so well done!

You, ( or at least for me), really feel he is just talking to YOU... I do answer the questions and I do listen to the instructions and yes, sometimes, the words are there, but you are in your own place...luckily he does repeat things for you, in case you missed it.

So good to be here, the weather this morning is stormy and wet but I do not doubt we will be out there at some point. It is one of happiest places to recharge, reflect and.... relax xxx

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

That was the one Oldfloss , advertising cigarettes seems so alien to us now, but they promoted it for glamour then. Thankfully, apart from trying it to look grown up as a teen, they didn’t lure me in.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Nor me... I tried once and after one puff, nearly choked ! x I just looked it up...it was a mysterious ad!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I smoked like a chimney from a young age. Mind you we all did! 🙄

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

I love Coach Bennett and his sidekicks Daniel and Andy Puddicombe. I always feel better after a recovery run with them 😀. Better ‘n medicine 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to misswobble

You are so right!!!Better than any medicine !Hope all is well with you.. I know you're getting some good runs in! X

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to Oldfloss

I’ve fallen behind somewhat as I’ve been away for footy and a mini break in Hay, plus I was unwell 🙄. I’m now doing a serious clean up and tidy of my allotment shed and plot which has eaten into my running plans. Lots of tip runs and loading the car with stuff countless times. Saddled with the old dog today too. I’ve kept moving though which is the important thing. I did a half marathon and 10k race while still feeling meh 😑😏. My husband said I was too stubborn to quit. I’d paid for them! 😳. Nuff said 😀

I plan to run today come hell or high water 😀🏃‍♀️

I’ve plonked weight on and have been unsuccessfully trying to ditch the excess before marathon day. I’m not going to fret over it though. What will be will be 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to misswobble

Sorry you have not been well and all credit to you for doing those runs under par! I cannot imagine doing a HM under par!

You have had plenty of strength and stamina work to keep you going... I have garden and shed painting waiting at home for a dry day! Tip runs... oh yes... always fun...the ramps to the containers at ours are a workout in themselves as you stagger up them!

Please feel free to send any extra weight to me... but not to the waistline... I need it on the legs!

My nan used to say,"... if worry is going to change anything, then do it... if not, don't waste your time on it" ! Wise woman, my Nan

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate10 in reply to misswobble

I haven’t tried the sidekicks yet, but I’ll bear them in mind, if CB doesn’t mind.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Dexy5

I've tried a couple...Andy Puddicombe. and CB together, another chap and a lady from New Zealand... but she scared me a tad! I think CB is the one I like the most. He knows me x

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

my Nike marathon plan runs come with a guided run for each session. They are really good and the chat is such that the run flies by. They have lots of guests, eg Kipchoge, Paula Radcliffe, etc etc I listened to one recently about a steeplechaser. Very interesting. Free for the plan and the app which helps 👍🏃‍♀️. I like Shalane Flanagan! She talks about food a lot 😁.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate10 in reply to misswobble

I like Shalane too, it took a couple of runs because she's nothing like Coach B but she's definitely motivating. I like Coach Cory too, he always sounds so cheerful and reassuring (plus of course an English accent is so familiar)

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate10 in reply to Yesletsgo

coach Cory is a safe pair of hands for the speed intervals. He holds your hand throughout! As does Chelsea cox, ditto Shalane. There’s another US female intervals coach but I can’t recall her name, and she’s great too. They make the speed intervals better as without them I’d probably quit 😁😤

SueAppleRun profile image

So lovely to read about your run Floss, yes you needed that run and ended in a better place, me? I got a Floss ramble to read while I drink tea and still ponder 🤔 that's always a win

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

I did indeed finish it so much more at ease in mind and body.I am so fortunate to have such a beautiful location to be in. A feast for the eyes and food for the soul , as my Nan would say.

Thank you for sharing my run with me x

Elfe5 profile image

Great run OF - and those runs that bring calm, peace & strength during a bumpy bit of life’s path are an extra gem.

Sooo pleased you enjoyed your super run in such a happy place! 😄🤗🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Hello! I have just shouted out to you from Catch up Corner... your cushion is till there and I was getting a tad concerned!

Thank you... I do know that you will need some calm and peace too... you have had a few bumpy bits!

I am very, very lucky to have such a place to run... and although today, the weather is truly wild and windy, and wet... I still love it ! The white horses on the sea, are doing all the racing today.... I am able to sit here, snug and warm, and watch them x

Mummycav profile image

and it was beautiful ❤️❤️

Frenc profile image

What a great run OF. Niggly thoughts are very pestiferous aren’t they, especially when running, I wish we could put them in a bowl by the front door and leave them behind when we run! But your run sounds amazing and just what was needed. 😊😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Frenc

It was needed...and I am so, so glad that I did it. Stronger and more sure...thanks you! x

Hedgehogs123 profile image

what a lovely post, worded so well and I now exactly what you mean. I sometimes find myself answering Coach Bennet outloud and have to look around, although don't know why I do that, as most of the time, there is absolutely no one around!! Non of what you say is weird, completely understand. Doesn't matter it was only 3.1km, it was the quality and peace it gave you, which clearly was a lot.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator60minGraduate in reply to Hedgehogs123

I am glad I had that run before the sad news to follow x

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