The forecast was right, it just rained the whole day. I hoped & prayed it would stop by the time I finished work, my prayers were not heard unfortunately.
It was a bit tricky as I would not go for run if it is already raining. Once I am already out & it starts raining at some point during the run then I just continue running.
But last night it was a but tricky, I didnot want to postpone my run as I really dont want to miss any run due to the upcoming HM & dont want run on consecutives days either. Moreover, there is no guarantee rain will stop next day..winters are wet.
So, I just put the rain jacket on and went for the scheduled 10k run. I was still soaked, my shoes were totally drenched & my fingers frozen by the end of it.
Today was no run day & for tomorrow I have planned a 16k run and hoping it would stay cloudy as predicted.
With only two more week to go afyer that, I will stick to 3 runs a week of varying distances with max up to 10k.
Fingers crossed for no rain for 6th August.