Week off, struggling to get back to it - Bridge to 10K

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Week off, struggling to get back to it

Popstess profile image
29 Replies

Hi I wasn't sure whether to post this here or on the C25k I've been feeling a bit lost with posting since I graduated 6 weeks ago. Don't really feel like k belong in either group 😞 after quite an intense week of exercise last week and a really busy work/family week this week I unintentionally ended up having a week off from the running. I'm okay with that but I'm really struggling to get motivated to start back up again. I really dislike running alone. Occasionally my partner can run with me but due to shift work that's usually only once a week or every two weeks so the rest of the time I go alone. The days I run with him I look forward to the runs and enjoy them, but the days I run alone I dread and sometimes enjoy but sometimes hate when I'm doing it.

Not really sure what the point in this post is other than to get it off my chest and out of my head and maybe get some tips from you lovely people for getting back out there after a break / running alone.

It's the gremlins in my head that make me hate running alone, it's starts from the minute I put my running gear on and look in the mirror hating what I see, the thoughts that go round my head are you look fat and ugly and stupid, who do you think you are dressing like a runner, you're so slow. Then on the run, you're slow, you're breathing too loud, your face is getting red, you're too fat to be doing this and it goes on and on. It's exhausting without the physical exertion of the run! If I go with someone else chatting to them distracts me I also feel safe with other people. My first experience of running was with a Learn to run club 6 years ago. It's only this year I've started to run alone.

Sorry for the long ramble

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Popstess profile image
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29 Replies
Instructor57 profile image

Firstly, you can post in whichever forum you want 😁Don't feel like you don't belong in either , you belong in BOTH !

Do you vary your runs when you run alone or do you just do the same thing every time ?

Maybe try a different route, or even a shorter run or a slower longer run or a Fartlek run !

Do you run with music or podcasts to listen to ?

Have you tried the NRC app guided runs ?

Or maybe for a bit of fun try the 'Zombies Run' app

There are many things to help if you are running alone .

A lot of us have the Gremlins from time to time which can make it hard to get out of the door , (I certainly do) try to remember why you started the program in the first place and what kept you going to graduation !

Be proud of what you have achieved and how much fitter you are because of this .

Embrace your 'Alone' runs and just enjoy the 'Me' Time , and it's another run closer to running with your partner 😁

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Instructor57

Thank you so much for your reply, I do listen to podcasts which I prefer to music as I find they do distract me better than music. I have tried NRC a couple of times and did like coach Bennett's motivational style I should try them again. I had an issue because I only run with one ear bud in so I can hear around me but the audio wasn't as clear on NRC for some reason.

I started the programs because I wanted to get fit and loose weight and what motivated me to keep it up was committing to completing the plan.

I guess with C25k there are so many people doing it and there's always someone doing or just done or about to do the same week as you so lots of opportunity to compare notes and support each other. Then after graduation its not like that any more if that makes sense. As everyone is at different stages and doing their own thing.

Dee2609 profile image

I feel similarly Popstess, about not belonging. Definitely try the NRC app though, it feels like you have a coach running with you. I’ve found it really helpful since completing C25K xx

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Dee2609

Thank you for replying, I think we graduated the same time? Well done for keeping it up. Are you running 3 times a week?

Dee2609 profile image
Dee2609 in reply to Popstess

Yes about 3 times, sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on life. I guess I’m lucky in that it feels like my headspace time though so I don’t mind being alone when my I run. Lots of clubs around (not just elite running clubs) so worth putting some feelers out for likeminded people, good luck! X

Woollyweaver profile image

Aw, I'm sorry you are struggling with those gremlins 🤗.Firstly, this forum is a lovely welcoming place to hang out - I have been loitering on the bridge for a long time, and no one has asked me to move on 😅.

It's tricky of you don't like running alone. Have you considered Park Run? That would be a good way to find company for one of your runs.

I do love to run alone, but I also enjoy the company of Coach Bennett et al at Nike Run Club - the continuous banter makes you feel as though you have company.

And please try not to judge yourself. Of course you are a runner, and we come in all shapes and sizes. I used to be self conscious, but now I really don't care - and I doubt very much whether any one else cares either. I only ever see other runners as courageous people getting out there! So hold your head high and feel proud - we will all be cheering you on 👏👏👏🥳🥳🏅

Ps. Slow is beautiful ☺️

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Woollyweaver

Thank you so much for your reply, I think because it's bridge to 10k but I'm not really aiming for 10k at the moment I felt I don't really belong here.

I do keep looking at my local park run and I am building myself up to going but don't quite feel confident enough yet. That's not just running with people that's running with strangers lol and I'm not confident enough yet but I'd really like to try it some day soon.

I need to try more of the NRC runs they seem very popular.

Martlet76 profile image

Thank you for posting,I really enjoyed reading your "ramble", we all have gremlin attacks, so I could really relate to all that you wrote.

I try to obtain at least "one good thing" from each run. It is smthg that occurs during the run (not after!) - it could be a tiny detail that I cling to: a nod of recognition from a fellow runner(or cyclist), a snatch of birdsong, a beautiful view, the physical feeling of skipping over a stone or kerb stone.

My father in law used to cite a french saying "Jamais un dimanche sans soleil", I convert this into a running motto "a moment of sunshine on every run"

I send you good vibes


Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Martlet76

Thank you for replying, I can't imagine anyone enjoying reading my posts as they're always so long and ramblely!! It's comforting to hear you can relate though.

I love the idea of one positive thing from every run! I will try that from now on ☺️ A moment of sunshine in every run sounds like a beautiful running mantra!

nowster profile image

Think of your running kit as being armour against those gremlins of doubt.

If you look like a runner, and are doing running, are you not a runner?

Running alone is harder because it needs more discipline than running as a group. You've nobody to stop you going to fast or too slow.

If you need to distract your inner monologue, listen to spoken word podcasts or audio books as you run.

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to nowster

Thank you for your reply. I will try and think of it as my armour but I feel a bit exposed in running gear. I'll try to think like that though.

I do listen to podcasts when I run and do really enjoy them. You're right they distract me better than music.

Irishprincess profile image

Hello and a very warm welcome 🙂 All our groups are friendly and many people flit from one to the other so feel free to post on any of them. But this one is probably the best for graduates who are looking for ideas on what to do next.

There’s lots of great advice from others here but have you thought about joining a running club? You might need to do a little research because there are running clubs and running clubs and you’d want a nice friendly one that can cater for all levels of experience.

A good club will run in groups based on pace and will be very inclusive of every single member regardless of their experience or pace. And once you get to know others then you could arrange to meet up for a run at any time, not just at the club meetings. They can be very sociable places if that’s what you want too.

Have a look online or ask around your area or at your local running shops.

I used to belong to a fabulous club, all levels of experience, all sizes and shapes and all ages. The only thing we had in common was that we ran therefore we were runners. You’re the same. You run, therefore you're a runner.

Be very proud of what you’ve achieved, the majority of people will never be able to run for thirty minutes. But you can! So, put your kit on, look in the mirror, smile and tell yourself that you are a runner and therefore amazing 💪 Because you are.

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you so much for your reply. I have thought about a club, I've been looking into the local running clubs and thinking about joining one for 1 run a week, I kind of have in my head that i'm a little slow for a club and won't be able to keep up with their pace.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate10 in reply to Popstess

You can always check it out anyway. If it’s a good running club they’ll cater for all paces.

The first club I tried was no good for me as they were mostly speedy youngsters but the second one was perfect. You’ll maybe have to look at a few before you find the right one but don’t give up!

Let us know how you get on 🙂

DylanTheRabbit profile image

I love to run alone, but if I didn't- I'd be heading off to parkruns, looking for a local running club or just asking around friends and family for a running buddy. If you can find someone other than your husband to make running dates with it should help motivate you.

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to DylanTheRabbit

Thank you for replying, I have been looking at a local running club and the local park run but was worried my pace is too slow for them. I do have a friend who I run with very occasionally which I love but we aren't often free at the same time. I think I need to work on being able to run and enjoy running alone so that I can keep it up even when no one is available to come with me. I don't want to give up after it's taken me this long to earn this running ability.

Rising60 profile image
Rising60 in reply to Popstess

I haven't done parkrun myself, but I remember hearing that the founder was particularly pleased that the average time went up as more people joined, as this meant that the people joining were slower runners, and he took this as evidence that it was encouraging more people who weren't already superfit runners. So it sounds to me as if no-one who joins should worry about how fast they complete the course.

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate10 in reply to Popstess

My local parkrun has all sorts of abilities running its course.

Yesterday, the first through the funnel did 5km in 19'46".

The final four (not counting the tail walker) came in in pairs at 57 minutes and 62 minutes, and will have had a big cheer when they did.

About a third of those taking part came in after 35 minutes, a quarter after 40 minutes.

There were several kids running with their parents.

If you're interested in the spread, each location has a results page, giving names and timings. (Unknown means they didn't present a bar code.)

Wavy-chick28 profile image

Totally understand but I’m lucky I love running on my own it’s me time and I straighten out my head, I love a podcast whilst running I have been out today laughing like a mad woman listening to Alan Carr. Regarding looking at yourself and not being happy , I’ve said this before there are people looking at you and thinking if she can do that so can I and you are the one that is a graduate runner not those looking on who will not be able to run for the bus!

Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Wavy-chick28

Thank you for replying I will look for that podcast I love a funny one to distract me.

Thank you I know you're right and in a way I also feel ashamed and vain for caring so much about how I look too. I need to some how make peace with it because it isn't going to change over night.

Wavy-chick28 profile image
Wavy-chick28Graduate10 in reply to Popstess

We all have insecurities so don’t beat yourself up, and Alan Carr’s ‘life’s a beach’ will have you chuckling and not even realising how far you have run, enjoy.

Sulley101 profile image

Hi Popstess. Sorry you’re feeling low. Try to remember how fantastic you are for graduating and how wonderful you felt achieving that goal. I also run alone but without the prospect of a partner on any runs. At first I felt very self conscious, wondering what people thought when they saw me plodding along or completely out of puff at the end of a workout run, but I decided that ultimately, what they thought was not important to me. Now I don’t care, and it’s a weight off my mind 😁.Motivation can be a challenge post graduation without a new goal, so maybe deciding on one will help? Otherwise, as others have said, you could try distraction techniques. I found that recently the gremlins were getting louder than my music, which I’d stopped actively listening to. I am now trying an audio book as it needs more concentration to listen to. So far it seems to be working for me as I try to regain fitness post Covid.

I hope you get back to enjoying your runs again soon.


Popstess profile image
Popstess in reply to Sulley101

Thank you so much for your reply. I really need to stop caring about what anyone thinks of me, well maybe what other people think of me isn't really the issue here. The issue is more what I think of myself and that really isn't positive.

Yea I do find podcasts distract me better than music.

Thank you, sorry to hear you have been unwell with covid and I hope you make a speedy full recovery. Massive kudos for returning to running!

Oldgirlruns profile image

Long post alert! I think many of us can relate to your post Popstess - which maybe doesn’t help you but it hopefully will at least let you know you’re not alone! Running alone can be hard - it’s so easy to put it off (again) and you have no-one to talk to about it. Losing motivation after graduation is also not unusual, you’ve lost the structure of C25K and you’re left wondering what to do next. That happened to me too, I drifted for a while before I headed over the bridge and decided on some sort of a plan. By that time I’d slow jogged my way to 5K — when you’re carrying all the gremlins I was, travelling slowly is all you can do! Those gremlins are a pain but, you know, they’re not real. The real people you see really won’t even notice you - I am one of life’s ‘big girls’ and was very self conscious when I started out. Me? Running in tight fitting leggings? No-way! But they’re comfy so s.d it, I’m wear them! I get red and sweaty and love it - it looks as though I’ve done some exercise 😇. And who cares if I look like I’ve run 10K when I’ve only run 100 yards - no-one knows that but me! I do most of my running on my own but I enjoy parkrun on a Saturday when I’m surrounded by loads of other runners, well not surrounded exactly - usually everyone is shooting off and I’m at the back on my own but it doesn’t feel like that! And on the days when I am out on my own I say good morning to people - it proves I can speak while running😳 and most of them respond! My apologies for a long post but no, you’re not stupid and you’re not fat - you’re a runner! Be proud of that, you’ve worked hard for it! Are you able to rejoin the Learn to run club again (not that you need it!) or maybe another running club in the area? That might help if you really can’t face running alone but why not give it another whirl - tell those gremlins where to go, get your gear on and make like the runner you are!

Popstess profile image

Thank you so much for your reply (I love long posts ☺️)

It is a comfort to know others feel the same way. I know you're right and no one is looking at me or giving me a second thought really. I think it's my own negative thoughts about myself I assume others will think too.

I'm definitely going to try park run soon, I just need to build up the courage to go, the learn to run club only runs once a year, and follows the same format as the couch to 5k so I wouldn't really want to go back to that but I am going to look into the local running club, I'm just a little nervous I won't be fast enough to keep up and will feel embarrassed.

I will try my very best to shake those gremlins off and tell them where to go!

Oldgirlruns profile image
OldgirlrunsGraduate10 in reply to Popstess

As others have said Popstess, not all running clubs will be right for you and you may not feel you can keep up. At which point you say ‘thank you for letting me join you for a trial but this one’s not for me’ and go look for another one that you feel more at home in. I’m not a running club person but my understanding is that the good ones will have different groups running at different levels so I’m sure you’ll be ok.

tmbtrain profile image

Aw popstess sorry to hear you've been feeling lost and with added gremlins too 😔. Lots of good comments above! I hope you can find some club or other runner for company. It's great you listen to podcasts as they'll definitely distract you from thinking too much during the run. Maybe check out aeropex aftershocks headphones so you can still hear what's going on around you? Remember you climbed ben nevis, you did that so you can definitely go out running! You have got this 💪

Popstess profile image

Thank you for replying, I will have a look at those they do sound good as I do like to be aware of my surroundings. Aw that's very kind of you to say, I wish I could get over this it's very silly and is holding me back.

tmbtrain profile image
tmbtrainGraduate10 in reply to Popstess

You've achieved so much already, you can be proud of yourself 🙂

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