Gaining confidence after my fall: Following my... - Bridge to 10K

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Gaining confidence after my fall

5 Replies

Following my slip/fall a couple of week ago I have been very cautious about going out in the icy weather particularly when running. It has surprised me just how much my fall has affected me. I know I was lucky not receive any serious injuries but hearing other peoples stories makes me realise just how lucky I was, but did nothing for my confidence.

I found I felt happier running on rougher ground or grass in areas where the snow had not been compacted into ice. Running around the edge of our local park fields seemed the safest area as not many people used it so the snow was mostly untouched (well until I started using it!!). The thought of falling into soft snow rather than onto a hard pavement was a bit more comforting.

I also have been running in a pair of old trainers specifically bought for walking that have thick grips on their soles. Running in those, plus the effect of going through the snow makes it a lot harder which probably does me good. It certainly kept me warm.

With the snow almost gone, I am pleased to be back in my running shoes and back onto smoother paths although with the rain I am still a bit hesitant and running a lot slower than I did before my fall.

I am sure I will get over it if the weather dries up but at the moment I have the constant fear of falling in the back of my mind which is taking a lot of the enjoyment out of running.

My husband has tried to make a bit of a joke about it (I think with good intentions) by pointing out that I am only in my 30's not 60's and that I should not worry too much at my age. Although I know he is right, I think it is going to take me more time to get over the psychological affects of the fall than the physical ones.

:) :) :)

5 Replies
Grannyhugs profile image

I’m with you, I had a couple of falls on ice running at the start of the year and it made me very wary. Over time your brain with recalibrate as you continue to carefully run. As the warmer weather melts all the snow and ice you’ll begin to enjoy those runs again. For me the enjoyment came with my new yaktrax which I fit to the bottom of my running shoes, I’m almost disappointed the bulk of the snow/ice has gone🤣 happy running 🤗

in reply to Grannyhugs

Wow, just had a quick Google on them and the running ones look great, I may have to treat myself to a pair if we get ice again. My original fall was in the dark in heavy rain with a combination of wet leafy paths and a plastic carrier bag for good measure. As I slipped I instinctively tried to put my other foot forward to catch my balance but caught it in the bag and went down hard. What didn't help either was that where I landed was quite a bit lower than the path so further to fall. :)

Grannyhugs profile image
GrannyhugsGraduate10 in reply to

Ouch, that sounds very painful. All the young fit guys in our village use one form or other of running spikes/coils. Mine are meant for walking but it was what the local outdoor shop had available and were willing to deliver to me. Hubby looking at getting spikes. Good luck.

Curlygurly2 profile image

I had a nasty fall just before new year, and it wasn't even icy. I think I tripped on a drain cover...I smashed my specs into my face, and sat on the floor pouring blood all over myself. A couple of plain clothes policemen stopped and helped patch me up, and waited with me until Mr CG arrived to take me to hospital. I had my face glued back together, didn't even know that was possible. I took a couple of weeks off due to pulled muscles, but I'm back out there now, plodding along as before. You'll get over it too, when you're ready. I just thought how much I've spent on shoes...(I'm 60 BTW)

in reply to Curlygurly2

Oh wow, sounds really nasty, I hope its all OK now. I have heard some horrendous stories of injuries that people have had just falling over in the street and I must admit that some made me think I was never going to leave the house again!! I was really lucky compared to others to get away without serious injury.

What surprised me most was just how much the fall affected my confidence. A friend of my husband had a motor bike accident a few years ago and spent 3 moths in hospital, he was lucky to survive the crash. When he got out, still on crutches he went out with his biker mates to choose his next bike. I know there is a saying about getting straight back on a horse if you fall off so you do not lose confidence but that struck me as stupidity.

Since the snow has gone and we have had the dry weather I have been out quite a bit. At first I was still a bit cautious but with my headphone playing and other things on my mind I soon found myself back to my old speed. Hopefully by the time I have to run in wet weather again I will have regained all my confidence. There is no way I would ever get on a motor bike though!!!




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